Difference Between Native and React Native Mobile Apps

The name React Native may not be a new word for you. If you are into the mobile app development. This term is been on trend for a while now in the world of technology. Since Facebook announced the release of React Native mobile app framework. Many businesses have started using it for their mobile application development process.

Just like any other mobile app development framework, React Native has its own advantage and disadvantage. However, still many mobile app developers prefer to work with native app tools and frameworks, but there is various number of new and aspiring developers who are considering to work on React Native for their future mobile app projects.

This post is targeted to highlight both advantage and disadvantage of using React Native in comparison with the Native app development. For making this comparison a lot better we have listed both the pros and cons of React Native as well as the Native mobile app.

Native vs React Native app development

In this post, our purpose was to keep this comparison nice and simple between both these platforms.

Native Mobile App Development

Here are all the pros and cons of native app development:


Third Party Libraries

Whenever you are developing a mobile app in the native environment, you can choose to work with various third party libraries. There are lot of resources and the developer community is huge in order to help the developers in improving the app user experience and the mobile application itself.

Good to Know

Even though you can use frameworks for developing a new mobile application, having the proper knowledge about the platform and underlying its architecture is a huge advantage. Some of the functionalities cannot be integrated into your mobile app using these frameworks, and for integrating those important functionalities knowledge of native mobile application development is sometimes necessary.

Long-Term Aspects

If you are going to work on the native mobile application development for the long term than it is one of the safest options. Furthermore, you can also update it and change its existing APIs and programming language, like when Apple migrated from Objective-C to Swift, all these changes made to the mobile app are backward compatible and it provides the guide and tutorials for porting between these changes.

API Access

The APIs and access to other features provided by the mobile platform can be easily accessed if you are working on native app development environment. You are not required to create an extra layer of mapping over the mobile app functionality which is required to be updated. After that, there will be no restrictions and dependencies other than those included in the Native mobile app environment.

Strict Language

iOS and Android are having the native language which is called strict languages which makes it easier for developers to detect the hidden errors. It is quite easy to learn any one language since all of them are strict. Even though it will take time to get into the comfort zone.


You are Required to Develop Two Applications

One of the biggest disadvantages of native app development is that the apps developed can run on a specific mobile platform only. Meaning that if you are developing a native mobile application, you will have to develop the application for separate mobile platforms. For instance, if you want your app to be available on both iOS and Android you are required to develop two apps for each platform. Unlikely, both these applications will differ a lot, and no source code can be shared between them. Moreover, the backend, which is an important part of any mobile application, can be the same for both the versions.

React Native Mobile Application Development

Here are all the pros and cons of React native mobile application development:


Single Code Base

As discussed above, there is no need right the separate code for two applications if you are using React Native. Instead, you can use the single code base for both iOS and Android platforms if you are going to work on React Native. The biggest benefit of React Native is that you are not required to learn a different programming language for each mobile platform. Only one language to know is enough.

Web Concepts

Transitioning from web development to mobile application development can be a little trickier for a web developer. With React Native it smoothens the transition as this framework is based on Javascript programming language. Plus, most of the web developers are used to JavaScript which makes the development of mobile apps a lot easy to learn and web developers get more familiar to.

Open Source

React Native is open source and free to use which provide developers the opportunity to analyze and inspect the code. It can be very helpful for the beginners to increase the understanding of the framework. Also, it helps in improving the framework by adding new features or fixing bugs.

Hot Reloading

Whenever you are developing an application on React Native and then a file is saved, all the changes are shown quickly on the device where your mobile app is running. This speeds up the mobile app development process of getting feedback from the users on recent updates and changes.


Whenever you are going develop a simple application on React Native, the time from beginning to having the application on the market is shorter than when developing a native mobile app. It is because you are required to create only one application instead of developing two applications simultaneously.


Third Party Libraries

React Native has a smaller developer community than native mobile app development and also has less number of libraries as well. In order to use the third party libraries developed for the native mobile app development, these features have to be written in a native module.

React Native Does Not Support All the APIs

All the APIs supported in native mobile application development is not supported by React Native. The most used APIs are supported, but most of them are required to have the access to other APIs or functionality. All this can be done by using the native modules.

Interaction with Other Native Apps

There are situations where one wants to access other native mobile apps, such as the calculator, it is much easier to access it via native app frameworks. However, React Native does not provide the support for it, meaning that it has to be written as native modules or using a third-party library.

Native Modules

Since most of the features and functionality are not included in React Native. All these issues have been solved since the inception of Native Modules. All these modules are the part of the source code which is written in native language and then integrated into the entire source code. This is one of the best ways to solve the problem of not having the support for APIs. However, for that, you need a developer who possesses good knowledge in native mobile app development. Something that the developer always wanted to avoid by working on React Native. Moreover, this thing sometimes results in duplication of the source code since all the native modules for both iOS and Android are written separately.

Long-Term Aspects

There is always an uncertainty when it comes to long-term support for mobile apps developed on React Native. The day will come when the Facebook will stop providing updates for it or there will be changes made to the native mobile application development which is hard to turn around.


If you want to develop your mobile application for both the platforms then there is no better choice than React Native. Moreover, developers who are having experience in web development can develop the application without any issues or complex functionality.

Otherwise, you can prefer to develop your application on Native in most cases. If you are having the knowledge about the APIs and native language than also you can develop your application in React Native. Therefore, if you are a beginner then it is strongly suggested to you to work on Native mobile app development.

Source: AppZure

Contact Details: AppZure – Mobile app development

Email: sales@appzure.com

Contact no: +1-469-789-7400


Google releases All New “Android P” Beta Version

Now the wait is over, Google has unleashed the third beta of its latest mobile operating system Android P, which is supposed to be a “near-final” look at the operating system before it’s completed later this summer. VP of engineering for Android, Dave Burke calls the latest beta version an “early release candidate build” that “takes us very close to what you’ll see in the final version of Android P.”

Android P update

It’s not clear that this beta includes any new features— Burke only lists bug fixes and optimizations. The bigger deal here is really for developers, since system behaviors and APIs are supposed to be in a close to final state, so they can start to test apps and rely on how they’ll work.

This release will help developers test their apps in the nearly completed version of Android P to detect bugs and avoid problems when it is actually released.

Also, since all the developer APIs were completed in the previous update, developers now have a more complete picture of changes in Android P and all the tools to test how their apps will handle new stability-enhancing restrictions the OS will bring.

Burke describes it as an “early release candidate build of Android with near-final system behaviors and the official Android P APIs (API level 28)”.

Preview 4 and Preview 5, due out over the next few weeks, will be official release candidates for further testing and final testing before Android P’s release.

Similar to iOS 12’s Screen Time for countering unintended iPhone overuse, Android P will introduce a dashboard to help users understand their usage patterns and how much time they’re spending with each app.

There are also user interface changes, new navigation techniques, an Adaptive Battery power management system, and support for full-screen devices with a notch or cut-out.

This update doesn’t appear to introduce any major new features but rather has superficial tweaks, according to XDA-Developers’ rundown of changes.

The Android P rollout will also be a good chance to see the impact, one year on, from Project Treble, which was aimed at delivering new versions of Android faster.

Project Treble should be most noticeable on devices that shipped with Android Oreo and has already helped expand the number of devices eligible to join the Android P beta, such as the OnePlus 6, Nokia 7 plus, and some Vivo models.

Burke also flagged an upcoming developer Reddit Ask Me Anything session where the Android engineering team will answer technical questions about Android P. This will be hosted on July 19 from 11.30am to 1pm PT.

How to install the Android P beta today?

And while it’s generally not a great idea to test beta operating systems on your main device, if you’ve been thinking about it, this is when it should start to be a safer bet. While Google isn’t promising a complete absence of bugs in this build, the fact that we’re looking at an early release candidate suggests most of the major changes and optimizations should be in place. That said, Google still has a month or two to go before final release, so there’s likely still improvements to come.

One thing we’ll be looking for in the new beta: whether Android’s digital wellbeing features have arrived. They didn’t make an appearance in earlier betas, despite being one of P’s highest-profile features. And they’re not mentioned in the blog post; so it’s possible this is something that’ll be pushed until an update later in the year, like alongside the next round of Pixel devices.

Burke also announced that the Android engineering team will host a Reddit AMA later this month, on July 19th, to answer “technical questions” about the new OS.

Android P New Features

One of the best features of Android is its notification system. It uses the best ideas from companies that originally got it right, like Palm and Nokia, then blends them into a display of information and rich content that we have all come to rely on. Because the notification system is very important for a handheld device that’s supposed to keep you in touch with the world around you, it’s also constantly being improved. Android P will be no exception.

Android notifications improve every year. Here’s what happened with Android Oreo

A New Look

Your notifications can (and often do) look very different depending on which company made your phone. That’s also part of Android’s notifications — they are customizable by the developers that built Android itself, as well as app developers that know best what notifications their apps should generate. Phones from manufacturers that tend to follow Google’s lead, like Motorola and Sony, things will be softer, rounder, and more colorful with Android P.

Gone are things like grey lines to act as separators, and instead your status bar — which also has a new look to accommodate display notches — won’t become part of the shade when it’s drawn. Instead, the shade transforms into a card interface with round corners and bright icons for quick settings, and a second card for the actual notification content. The bright colors and round corners will be subject to individual tastes (and debate) but it’s evident that someone at Google spent a lot of time and attention to detail here.

The change looks more drastic than it is, and that’s likely by design, too. Android’s notification shade doesn’t need to be rebuilt or changed too much at once. That’s how you ruin a good thing. Instead, time should be spent to find the perfect interface to show us what we expect to see. Android has matured.

Smarter everywhere

Smart replies using Google’s machine learning algorithms come standard with Android P. Your phone parses the content of a message when it shows a preview in the notification, and as a result, you are given three smart replies you can send with a single tap. These have been supported since Android 8.0 but now Google is building them into the notification system for all app developers to use. You can, of course, choose to ignore the suggestions and type you own reply directly from the notification if you like.

And you may very well be able to use the notification shade without opening your messaging app. Android P brings changes that identify the sender and display the last few lines of the conversation at the top of your phone. The new Person class can fetch user details from your contacts and show avatars, nicknames and other information about who is talking. It even works for group messages.

When you want to reply, there is no need to open the app. Everything you need is available at the bottom of the shade including things like saving as a draft, mark as read, delete, and reply just like the reply field in the app itself. For those of us who tend to send short and sweet messages, it’s like having a second miniature version of the app in your notifications.

More to come

There are more subtle changes that will make their mark as Android P becomes final and applications are built to leverage its features. We can’t forget the notch support which could play a big part in your notification area or things like changes to make Android easier to use and more powerful. Broadcasts, where apps receive messages from the Android system itself, have also been tweaked to support the Notification Channels changes and Do Not Disturb settings.

Overall, Google has built a great base and set of tools to make the notifications from the apps you love on the phone you have a lot better. We can get behind changes that make things better.

To read more updated about Android and iOS apps, please follow: http://www.appzure.com/blogs

Source: Appzure

Contact: +1-469-789-7400

Email: sales@appzure.com

Website: www.appzure.com

Benefits of React Native Mobile App Development Platform for Small Business

With the modification in technology and smartphones currently, the modern day businesses are shaping up and have seen a really good quantity of change. whether or not you are a startup online business or a new small-scale business, having a mobile app is something you must consider it as an important thing. According to Statista.com, by the year 2020, all the 38.5 billion devices are connected with each other over the internet. Given this fact that most devices like smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, wearables etc will get the access to mobile apps.

React Native is the open supply framework designed for mobile app development on numerous mobile platforms like Android and iOS. it’s supported the popular React.JS library and makes the use of Javascript programming language. most importantly, React Native runs by using the API written in Javascript over native components. React Native’s quality is compared with the likes of Objective-C, Swift, and Java. several of those mentioned frameworks have a variety of shortcomings but React Native surpasses them in many ways. Moreover, mobile apps are the good medium for small businesses to reach their potential customers.

React Native app development

In this post, we will discuss some of the advantages of React Native mobile app development platform for small businesses.

It Covers Both iOS and Android

Initially, Facebook developed React Native for supporting iOS. However, with the recent support for Android mobile platform, the React Native mobile app development platform can render a mobile user interface(UI) for both mobile platforms. Facebook makes the use of React Native to develop its own ads manager app, creating the version for both iOS and Android. Both the version is developed by the same team of developers.

Facebook has also made React Native mobile app development platform open-source, with the idea of making it compatible with other platforms like TvOS or Windows phone could be worked on by the developer community.

Simplified User Interface Design

In case of React Native mobile application development, many developers face so many difficulties due to the requirement to create an orderly sequence of tasks which describes the operation of the program. Moreover, a similar kind of app development, known as imperative, is quite common in most of the frequently used native mobile application frameworks like Swift, Java or Objective-C. In turn, React Native hybrid application development platform uses the declarative coding, making the implementation of the order of action least important.

Support Rapid Development Iterations

Developers who are working on React Native receives the huge benefit in the form of time saved by acceleration for debugging. In order to look at the changes made to the operation of an app in the code, alterations of not more than two seconds are needed. In this way, even the Xcode’s hot reload function essentially loses to React Native because there is no requirement to upload the updated mobile application to a physical mobile device or an emulator each time.

Provides Third-Party Plugin Compatibility, Smoother Experience, and Less Memory Usage

Third-party plugins mean that you don’t have to rely on WebView for certain functions. For instance, if you want to add Google Maps functionality in your application, React Native allows you to link the plugin with a native mobile app module so you can link the maps with mobile device functionality like rotate, zoom, and the compass while making use of less memory and loading faster. In addition, if your application is supporting older versions of the mobile operating system, this can help you in keeping your app to run smoothly.

Reduction in Labour Resources

To develop a mobile app with React Native, you do not need separate development team for your target mobile platform. However, thanks to the React Native features like using single programming language and cross-platform development approach, a development team of 10 developers can develop and maintain the code base, as well as release platform-based application versions. If the developer possesses average knowledge in Javascript they might develop and support an app for Android or iOS or both. This would allow you to hire a single remote team for your business mobile application development. According to a practice shown by applikelysolutions.com, the cross-platform framework can save up to 30% of the development time and reduces the cost of the whole project.

Better Development Experience

With React Native, developers get the benefit of debugging tools and error reporting. For instance, if you are familiar with the developer tools of Safari or Chrome, same can be utilized for mobile app development.

The functionality of API ranges from data storage to access the hardware components of the mobile device like the camera to accessing location-based services.

The option for integrating third-party plugin means there is a less reliance on the webview for some important functionalities to be integrated into the application.

Support for Native Code Base

When developing an application with React Native, it is simple and possible to combine the components which are written natively in Swift, Objective-C, Java or any other programming language. By this way, the application’s efficiency can be optimized according to your requirements. One part of an app can be developed on React Native and another part can be done using native code. That’s how React Native works.


React Native is one of the best frameworks which makes the mobile application development simple using the existing Javascript programming language. The caliber of this framework for developing mobile applications can be estimated by the fact that some of the high scale and popular apps like Tesla, Walmart, Instagram, Vogue etc. makes the use of React Native mobile app development platform.

Also, Facebook makes stable releases for React Native, by making it powerful and making it free from risks. Businesses would be benefited a lot from React Native as they don’t have to spend on the development tools. Moreover, it has the ability for code sharing for cross-platform without compromising the app quality and ability for faster app development. Therefore, React Native due to its rapid development cycle, simplicity, and constant improvement is one the best frameworks for small businesses.

To know more about Native App Development services please refer: http://www.appzure.com/native-app-development

Source: Appzure



Consider following things before starting Android App Development

Do you have an honest innovative plan for developing a world-class android app? What are the main factors you are going to consider while creating an Android application? These are a number of the obvious questions you need to ask yourself before creating any call on Android app development project.

According to Statista.com, there are over 1.6 million apps on the Google Play store. Moreover, Android has a market share of 80th worldwide.

Android application development

The above statistics show that Android smartphones and Android mobile app development are continuously rising. However, the standard of Android application should not be compromised due to its increasing numbers. In fact, the Android developers should ensure that the applications they’re attending to develop should be helpful, simple-to-use, and specifically desired by your audience and users.

In this post, we will discuss some important areas on which mobile app development companies need to focus on before developing the apps for Android platform.

Budget to Make an Android App

All the steps involved in Android application development involves money. Knowing about your budget and allocating them for each stage of Android app development is important. Therefore, it is recommended to appoint someone who can strictly keep the eyes on the cost to make sure that your budget remains the same until the very end of the app development phase.

What Should You Charge for Your App

Pricing your app is one of the most challenging yet important tasks which cannot be ignored. Pricing your Android application in a right way is very important. Determining the price of an article which includes any products is easy, but pricing the Android app in a right way is difficult. There are a number of factors which an Android developer needs to take into consideration which determining the correct price for their Android app.

Deep Market Research

Before entering the market and start the Android app development you should conduct a market research in a proper manner. Analyzing the market thoroughly provides you the insights about your competitors, their strategy, their strengths, and weakness too. This information can turn out to be useful because you can avoid repeating the same mistakes your competitors made. Researches often ignore customer reviews. These reviews can provide you an overview of likes and dislikes of users about a particular type of Android app. Therefore, you must make sure that you should focus on the pain areas and try to resolve the issue in your Android application. Moreover, this strategy will give you an edge to win over your competitors.

Serve Something Different

Have you ever thought why a recently opened restaurant in the town is becoming popular among people? Why people like to visit new places and new restaurants because people are always looking for something fresh and different. It’s a human nature that people get bored easily with one thing.

A similar thing is with Android app since there are millions of Android apps available, Android users want to be served with something new. Therefore, you should always create something which is interesting and keeps the users engaged with your mobile app.

Know Your Target Audience

The audience plays a huge role in the development of your Android app because defining your target audience is very important. All these questions like who will be using this application, and how it is going to help your audience, it should be answered well beforehand. If you are going to meet your user’s expectations, your Android app is likely to get more popular among your audience.

Focusing on Your Marketing Strategy

In order to get an overwhelming response at the time of launch of your Android app creating the buzz before the launch is very important. You need to make sure that you start marketing your Android app at the appropriate time. Most of the businesses or Android app developers fail in executing the marketing strategy effectively. Logically, Android developers should start the app development process 2-3 weeks before the launch to let the users know. According to Dima Midon, CEO at TrafficBox, it is important to create the buzz before the launch to get the overwhelming response at the time of the launch.

Testing Your Application Before it Hits the Market

It is important for you to test the Android application before it is ready to launch in the market. You should have a good experience in prior of how users will see your application. Your Android app should be easy to use, creative, and deliver high performance. Testing the Android app before launch will allow you to look at the bugs and errors before it reaches the audience in the market.

Once alpha testing is successful, you can hire the beta testers to start the second phase of testing. Moreover, you should learn more from the beta testers and try to make changes as per your observations. These days there are many Android app testing tools available in the market with which you can easily do the beta testing.

App Description

For the users who are going to look at your mobile app for the first time on Google Play Store, app description plays an important role. People who are not aware of what your Android application is all about will read the app description first and then make the choice to download the app.

Google Play Store usually displays 2-3 lines of the app description. Users are required to tap on Read more to read the full app description. Therefore, it is important to make first 2-3 lines catchy enough to convert your application users into potential customers.

Don’t Keep Your Users Waiting

It may prove to be fatal if the loading time of your Android app is huge, as users may think that the application is malfunctioning. Moreover, it adds the negative impression in the mind of the users. Therefore, giving them the bad user experience.

In order to avoid feeding your user’s mind with it, you should try to use animations and loading indicators to give them an assurance that your Android app is still working, but is waiting for the phone network. Moreover, a progress indicator is always better.


There is no shortcut to success for anything you do in this entire world. However, these tips can help in planning your Android app development project and want it to last for a longer time. If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free to contact Appzure.

Reference: www.appzure.com

App failure reasons: Every Mobile App Development company should know

Are you investing too much for your mobile app development? Have you chosen the most expensive mobile platform? Have you invested a lot of energy in your project? Still, your app fails as a business. What is possibly going wrong?

As per Gartner report, less than 0.01% of apps will be considered a financial success through to 2018. For a single app idea, there are hundreds of apps sitting unnoticed in the doldrums of various app stores. Honestly speaking, most apps suck.

According to Statista, it is clearly shown that there are millions of mobile apps available on the play store along with millions of app users. Mobile app developers spend hours creating apps that no one will install or if installed by chance, will remove it after its single use that never gets looked up again. Have you ever wondered why is this happening?

Mobile  App Failure Reasons

What is a business mobile app?

A mobile application which is developed with exceptional mind-boggling, rich assets and difficult preparation brings out a fruitful business app. It generates a great revenue and also brings many business benefits. You can easily reach your target audience.

However, there are some real elements which- if implemented in the wrong way- can damage your application. Let’s find out those reasons which are restricting your app to attain success. With the help of this article, you can make amazing mobile applications to give your business a global recognition.

5 major Reasons for an app’s failure:

1) Not investing in UI/UX

Many application owners think that if they remove all errors and errors from the application, their work is done and their users will prefer the application. Nothing else bad. The code is just the basis of your application. You should think about the entire journey of your clients and create a simple and intuitive design to provide an interesting experience for your users. This is the only approach that works.

In fact, UX is one of the responsible factors which can break or make your online business. And, it is vital too. It is an essential part of the design phase which should be carried out thoroughly before you start the coding. A positive user experience is a key to getting maximum users to leave positive comments, something that plays a very important role in the place where your application appears in tables and searches in several application stores.

2) Making complicated apps

Commercial sites and web applications work in a typical way: clients log in, browse some pages, discover the page they are looking for and obtain/control the information to use. the applications are completely different, they should be basic portals of a single portion of the biggest and most amazing offers of a business or entrepreneurship site.

In case you manufacture the development of your mobile application as your site, you will not succeed.

Large memory space

Following the new trends that arise every day, it is very difficult to create a good balance between the outstanding features that surprise users and the use of memory. At the same time, keep in mind that taking up all the space on your smartphone will keep customers away from your work. To optimize the performance of your application, you must verify the documentation of Google and Apple.

3) Not meeting user’s requirements (Research, Research, Research)

It is not a good idea to invest a big amount in developing a product for your clients without doing any market research. However, there are many businesses who treat their apps differently. Not meeting the requirements of your target audience can be one of the great reasons for your app failure in the market. For instance, if your target audience is predominantly Android user but your app is only on iOS then it could create an immediate problem for your business.

4) Avoiding app store listing details

When you consider the amount of development, design, and research that applies to an application, it’s easy to see why some of the smallest details on the list can be overlooked. But the title, description, and thumbnail that gives your app for your app store listing are critical to success or failure. Therefore, invest time here. Investigate the approach that your most successful competitors have taken and even consider splitting the tests of some options with a service.

5) Not doing regular updates

Make sure to keep your app updated since the app is not a one-off job. Your app may not function as before on a new update whenever the operating system changes. There are hundreds of devices that run the Android operating system with many different features and technical specifications, while there are several different iPhones on the market with various specifications and screen sizes. The new devices come out with improved hardware or different screen sizes constantly and, if you are not aware of your updates, your application can come out quickly. Periodic updates also give you the opportunity to listen to user comments and act accordingly.


So we have seen some of the major factors which can affect the success of your mobile application. It is mandated for all businesses to be aware of these things which can cause a serious failure to their business apps. Luckily, we have plenty of solutions for avoiding these factors and can make better mobile apps. A right strategy for creating an application can bring various business benefits to you.

To read more related to mobile app development services please go through: http://www.appzure.com/blogs

How to know you have chosen a wrong App Development Company?

Choosing the best mobile app development company in India or rest of the world is a very difficult task that many businesses have to perform. Being a technology consultant, I have heard about many stories of mobile app developers stealing the ideas of other clients or taking so much time to build an app which results in poor app quality.

There are a plethora of mobile app development companies which makes you feel confused and choose the best one out of all. However, you should always look for the best and not look budget as the only priority. In this post, we will help you in detecting unreliable mobile app development companies and hire the best and most suitable one for your mobile app development.

Mobile App Development Company

Your Company Jumps into Development Directly Without Proper Specifications

Ideas keep on changing and product requirements also keep getting changing constantly. This is the nature of living in today’s world. However, starting with the specifications of your app, you cannot only explain clearly about your vision to a mobile app development company but also describe how your product should look like when it gets ready in full details.

Who is your target audience? What are your use cases? How should your app suppose to work? What should the user interface of your app should look like? The answers to all these and some other questions need to be answered in detail by mobile app development company before hiring someone to create your app.

If you don’t know about where to begin, a good mobile app development company will help you in this case. A true technology supporting company will not only execute your idea, but also offer meaningful and good insights and recommendations while building the mobile app most importantly when preparing your mobile app specifications.

We provide our customers with considerable tech support and closely monitor all the details when creating their mobile app specifications. We can help them organize their thoughts and wishes in a systematic way, and make them confident and make them move forward with good mobile app development.

Whether you are currently working on creating app specifications by yourself or with the help of a mobile app development company, mobile app specifications is the first step towards establishing your goal. Otherwise, you will not be able to estimate your budget correctly and ideal development time needed for completing your app development. In worst cases, your mobile app development company will develop what they understand rather than what is your requirement and will waste your precious time and money.

Low Rates are Main Selling Point

Of course, the budget of your mobile app plays an important role when looking for plenty of mobile app development companies. There is no point of considering those companies which you cannot afford to work with? The price is strongly related to the location of the development company and developers and not important with the quality of the code they write. Here, the location of the company plays an important role.

What you must you know that mobile app development agencies in the US or Western Europe are the most priciest ones and it is not compulsory that they will provide the best mobile app developers to you. Moreover, you should not rush with your decisions. As higher prices doesn’t always mean good quality. You must carefully select your mobile app development team. As higher price can be there due to the high living costs where this mobile app development company is located. These expenses might be more in other countries that are also developing good quality mobile applications.

In countries like India, prices of custom mobile app development are very low. However, you should not be fooled by these low prices as it can cost you more in the coming times. This is the very thing which we would like to prioritize. Low rates always result in poor app quality. You risk yourself in falling prey of low prices and end up working with another mobile app development company in the middle of your mobile app project. Then they will have to begin all from scratch which will cost you more than expected.

Eastern Europe is considered as a golden destination for most of the IT companies globally. As they offer average prices with high-quality mobile apps. In Eastern Europe, it is common sense that you will get the best mobile app you are looking for. However, do not forget to select the company carefully.

Finding the right technology mobile app company is more important than saving a few thousand dollars in building your mobile app. With the necessary mobile app expertise, the right mobile app development company can provide a valuable product. They can help you maximizing your revenue from your user’s mobile app activities.

Lack of Expertise they Need

Now your thing is to change the choice and to know that which all mobile app development firms are better. First, look at some of the business websites. You should look closely at some the design of their website because these designers could be working on your mobile app. It goes without saying that the mobile app development company must have good amount of experience in the field of mobile app development, which you will need at some point of time.

Looking at their bios and portfolios. A good mobile app developer must be informative and clear. You should read reviews from their various customers, view their previous apps on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and read user reviews. Are the buttons in that app clickable? How many times app have been downloaded? How would you rate its UI/UX design?

Do not choose a mobile app development company whose work is only limited to development only. The company you are going to hire must be ready to take all the responsibilities for your app like developing it, marketing it, after launch app support, rigorously testing it, and anything else you may require in the future.

Selling Wrong Project Management Approach

Now you should have chosen few companies out of all and it is time to take the final decision. You should make sure that you will are giving your project to a dedicated project manager who is willing to work with you right throughout the mobile app development process.

It is important to ask the mobile app development firm about their working style and methodology. For instance, if a particular company follows agile method we can change development direction and react to it in a timely manner to everything that happens. An effective risk assessment system is also important for a good mobile app development company.

If the company says that your project is too small for the app development project to be properly managed, then be careful as you are at one step away from ruining your future of your mobile app.

If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free contact us. We are a leading mobile application development company in India. Till today, we have completed 500+ projects of mobile app development in India, USA and rest of world. We are acknowledged in the market for our affordable pricing policy, guaranteed SLAs and team of experienced developers.

Reference by: Appzure – Mobile First

Email: sales@appzure.com

visit: www.appzure.com

How can you start making Android Apps from zero knowledge of programming?

These days you do not require to be a programming expert in order to start creating your own Android mobile app. There are so many resources available and tools in order to help you in creating your own Android app. Moreover, it does not mean that you will hand over your entire mobile app development project to third-party mobile app developer or mobile app development company.

Android application development

You can give a great amount of input for making sure that output is exactly the same what you are looking for.

In this post, we will discuss how can you start making Android apps from zero knowledge of programming.

Doing Research

Before starting any new mobile app project, building a new app begins with the research part.

From the creation of goals to choose the platform and version for understanding the market and options for monetizing. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself before proceeding to design and development of your mobile app:

1. Who is Your Competition?

Before proceeding with anything, you should check the existing market of similar mobile app providers.

Don’t copy the same thing if someone has already done the same thing. Always remember that there are so many apps out there.

This practice is not done to know whether your idea is complete or not, but to learn what works in your favor and what does not.

How can you make it better? Where your competitors are disappointing their customers? What new can you offer to the market?

If you want to create a mobile app which is an extension of an existing service. In that case, competition does not really matter. What you should offer must be an original content for the specific type of audience who knows you and your brand.

2. Who is Your Target Audience?

Due to the lack of face-to-face conversation and sales opportunity in mobile app marketing. Knowing about your target audience is important for success.

However, doing it in a right way is not always easy as it looks.

There are plenty of ways to identify your target audience. Some of the four popular methods are:

  • Surveys
  • Data on Market Research
  • Personas of Audience
  • Focus Groups

3. What is Your Budget?

The budget for your mobile app depends on a various number of factors and they are likely to change every year throughout the life of your mobile app.

However, the big budget game changers are:

  • Which mobile platform do you use: Native App, Hybrid App, or Web App
  • Outsourced or Integrated Development
  • Level of functionality required in the app
  • Monetizing or Marketing methods used

It’s a good idea to consider each of the above settings before setting your budget.

4. What is Your Deadline?

Like other businesses, there always have to be some workable goals and set of deadlines.

If you are following strict deadlines, then you may require taking some decisions which will help you in reducing your timescale.

The mentioned below are some of the factors which cause a delay in time for mobile app development:

Mobile Vendors

There are many mobile vendors on Android platform which provide the different user experience. Like Samsung uses TouchWiz, HTC uses Sense UI, etc.

Therefore, you must always be ready to create an Android app for different mobile vendors.

Required Level of Functionality

There some functionalities which you might choose to leave on the list of “Nice to Have” and if it is important for you to launch your app on time.

Third Party Integration

Connecting your application to other services can take time. Developers need to learn about third-party APIs and implement them in your app correctly.

Publishing Apps on Play Store

It is a way out of your control. Google Play Store gets instant approval to approve your app for publishing.

Of course, it might also be rejected; This means that you have to go back, improve your app and send back.

It could be a shocker for your expected deadline.

The best way to avoid such delays is to read the specifications and guidelines of Google Play Store very carefully to make sure your app complies with all the rules and regulations.

How to Monetize Your App

Are you earning profits by selling your app, in-app purchases, advertising, app subscription, or some other sources?

The majority of apps uses one of the following four methods:

1. Advertisements

2. Paid Downloads

3. Native Advertising

4. In-app Purchases

You might choose to define the success of your app differently by increasing brand awareness, or a number of mobile app users accessing your content.

Designing Your App

1. Creating Rough Sketch

The first step in designing your mobile app is by putting your ideas on paper.

Here you creating foundations of features for your app and also general look and interface of your app.

You need not worry if you are an artist: it is the simple way to help you and your business team will understand in which direction your app is heading.

2. WireFraming

If you are creating a mobile app from scratch, with all the original features specific to your service, we recommend that you create a “wireframe” of your app.

A wire is a “sketch” from where your ideas come together in a clearer and more detailed view.

Creating a wireframe is now easy thanks to the many available prototyping tools or applications available. POP, Balsamiq, and HotGloo are just some of the popular wireframing apps.

Once you have your wireframe, you can then find app developers and approach them for review based on your designs.

A user interface designer can take your input and improve it, add it and finally design a real and detailed user interface.

3. Storyboarding

While you are creating your wireframes, be sure to plan your storyboard as well.

The idea of a storyboard is to visually show the developer how each screen will change from one screen to the other, and how your users will navigate your app.

For instance, this is particularly useful for home screens: users will navigate from the Home screen, Registration screen, Home screen, and so on.

You can use the same tools you used to create your storyboards to create a storyboard.

Specifying Your Requirements

Once your design for the app is completed, the next step is to write down your needs and requirements for the developer.

A great way to do this is to describe, in the simplest manner, the problem you are trying to solve with your mobile app.

Creating User Stories

To do this, the approach we prefer, especially for agile development is that we create a set of user stories.

User stories are a quite like creating audience characters: you take the perspective of your users and describe the actions they will are able to perform in your app.

In fact, you must use the personas you created in the search phase to help you in creating your user stories.

Try to focus on the task of each of individual they want or need, rather than how they will perform it.

Describe the problem, not the solution.

The classic marketing approach is to think about the role, purpose, and benefit for your user.

Requirement Document

After completing the user stories, you can put together everything in a more detailed requirement document.

With a quick search on Google, you can find many great guides on requirement document.

Developing Your App

When it comes to building your mobile app, you have many options.

At this point, it’s good to come back to some of the questions you asked yourself at the research phase:

What is my actual budget?

What are my deadlines?

What kind of app do I require?

Depending on your answers to these questions, your approach to development will be different.

However, you can usually divide it into two key approaches: custom app development and DIY app developers.

Custom Mobile App Development

If you are creating a mobile app with unique and outstanding features, your only option is custom development.

But be careful: this option can be lengthy and costly on the wallet.

For this kind of work, you can either associate with a design studio or hire freelancers


We can get freelance can be found on various job sites like Linkedin, Monster Jobs, etc.

If you are looking for an experienced freelancer who has experience in Android Studio and Android SDK.

You can expect them to pay between $30-60 per hour for a good and experienced developer.

App Design Studios

App design studios might seem like the best way to get your mobile app developed in the best way. However, you must be ready to pay high-end prices too.

Prices from $15000 to 60000 are normal for app design studios.

If you want to create a native mobile app, multiply the cost of each platform you want to develop an app for.

DIY App Developers

If you are a small business with common requirements for your mobile app, you can use an existing mobile app platform or a mobile app creation service.

It is a quicker and more cost-effective solution.

DIY app-builder services have been there for a while, and are an economical alternative to hiring an agency.

This type of solution may be suitable for a small business that only needs features such as coupons, product catalogs, restaurant reservations, or the similar to it.

Testing Your App

It is a good idea to test your app many times during app development phase, not just once the app is complete.

In this manner, you can communicate about the changes to your mobile app developer while he is working on the app; You can save time and money and a lot of hassle in the long run.

On Android, you can install your app file on any computer system or mobile device and test it in a live environment.

Preparing for App Launch

Now you have developed your amazing new app.

You have rigorously tested it again and again for bugs.

Now it is ready to be launched for the general public.

Here are some of the things to be considered before launching your app smoothly as possible:

1. Checking Regulations for App Store

Google Play Store has its own set of rules and guidelines for app submission.

In order to avoid app rejections and delays, you should make sure that you should prepare yourself by reading guidelines about Google Play Store.

2. Writing Good App Store Description

Your potential customer may like the sound of your app. Whenever they open the app page.

The question is whether they will click on Download button?

The app description is a chance to convince the users that this is the app they are looking for.

Moreover, you should write a description which is both informative and compelling and make sure to include the keyword five times for maximum visibility.

3. Making Most Out of Screenshots

Like your app description, screenshots help in selling your app.

So make them count! Use high-quality screenshots that really show what your app can perform.

Screenshots should not be only static pictures.

Many applications now show description and copying into their images to catch the attention of their target audience.


You will find out that there are so many options for reducing time and costs, especially if you are ready to count on support from an Android app development agency.

The important things to remember are: set your time and budget settings, knowing your audience, and do extensive research on your market before finding your ideal developer.

If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free contact us. We are a leading mobile application development company in India. Till today, we have completed 500+ projects of mobile app development in India, USA and rest of world. We are acknowledged in the market for our affordable pricing policy, guaranteed SLAs and team of experienced developers.

11 Important Tips to Know Before Developing a Mobile App

Do you have a great idea for developing a world-class mobile app? Great, but how are you going to build it? What are the important factors that you will consider when you go for mobile application development? These are the obvious questions you need to ask yourself before making the decision to develop a smartphone app. In addition, you should take a look at some statistics that will help you understand how fast the mobile world is growing.

Mobile Application Development


There are 4.43 billion mobile users worldwide in 2015 and this figure is expected to reach 5.07 billion by 2019.
There are nearly 1.6 million Android apps available on Google Play Store.
There are nearly 1.5 million iOS apps available in the Apple App Store.

The statistics above show that the demand for mobile phones and mobile applications is constantly increasing. But, the quality of mobile apps should not be compromised because of the increase in numbers; in fact, developers must ensure that the mobile applications they develop are useful, easy to use and most importantly wanted by users.

We highlighted the key areas that developers need to focus on before developing mobile apps. Let’s check them out:

Deep Research on Market

Before you hit the market and start developing an app, you should do a proper market research. In-depth market analysis will give you information about your competitors, their strategy, strengths and weaknesses. This information will prove useful because you will be able to avoid repeating the mistakes made by your competitors. Researchers often forget the opinions of clients. These reviews can give you an overview of user preferences and dislikes about a particular type of application. So, you need to make sure that you take note of the pain areas and try to solve it in your mobile application. This strategy can give you a chance to win customers from your competitors.


We always follow one simple formula, “If you do something, do it with 100% efficiency and accuracy, otherwise do not do it simply.” This is what users expect from every mobile application available. When we say efficiency, we also mean the efficiency of the data. Smartphone apps that overly use 3G or 4G data are more likely to be downloaded and forgotten, if you do not want your app to fall into this category, make sure your app uses data effectively and does not consume more data.

Serving Something Different

Have you ever thought why this newly opened restaurant in the city has created a buzz? Why people tend to visit new places and restaurants because they are always looking for something different and fresh. Humans tend to be easily bored with something.

The same goes for mobile apps because there are millions of apps for smartphones, mobile users want to be served with something new. Therefore, you need to create something interesting that keeps users engaged with your mobile application.

Don’t Keep the Users Waiting

Losing this channel with users while your app is loading can be fatal because users may think the app is not working properly. In addition, it adds to create a negative impression in the mind of the user, thus giving them a bad user experience.

To avoid fueling your user’s mind, you can try using the load indicators and animations to make sure the mobile app is still working, but only waiting for the phone network.  A progressive indicator is always better.

Pricing Your Mobile App Correctly

Pricing is one of the most difficult but crucial tasks that should not be ignored. The price of your mobile application is very important. Determining the price of an article that involves products is easy, but choosing a price for a mobile application is difficult. There are a number of factors that a developer must consider before determining the correct price of the application.

Knowing Your Target Audience

Defining your target audience is very important because the audience has a huge impact on the mobile application development. All these questions such as who will use this application, and how will he help them, will have an answer well in advance. If you meet the expectations of your users, your smartphone app will probably gain popularity.

Becoming a Master of One Platform

One of the most important questions you need to answer before developing your mobile application is: How many platforms do you want to launch? If you go with our suggestion, we recommend you to become the master of a platform first, then launch your mobile application on multiple platforms.

Focusing on Marketing Strategy

Creating this buzz before launch is really important to get an overwhelming response at launch. You need to make sure that you start marketing your mobile application when it’s convenient. Most mobile application developers or companies fail to execute the marketing plan effectively. Logically, developers should launch the app marketing at least 2 to 3 weeks before the launch to inform users.

Testing App Before it Hits the Market

It is important to test your mobile application before launching it on the market. You should have prior experience of how users will see your application. Your application must be creative, easy to understand and perform. Testing it before launch will allow you to smooth out every nook and cranny before it reaches the mass market.

After a successful alpha test, you can recruit beta testers to start the second phase of testing. Learn as much as you can with beta testers and try to improvise everything you can according to the observations. There are many application testing tools available on the market that you can use to organize beta testing.

Emphasis on Description

For someone who is viewing your mobile app for the first time on Google Play or the iTunes App Store, the description plays an important role. Someone who is not aware of what this application is about will make the choice to download this application only by reading the description.

Google Play Store / Apple App Store usually only displays two or three lines of the description. Users should click Read more to read the full description. It is therefore important to make the first two or three lines sufficiently catchy to convert users of your application into potential customers.

Knowing Your Budget in Advance

All the steps included in the mobile application development involve money. Knowing your budget and assigning it correctly at each stage of application development is essential. I recommend that you name someone who can keep an eye on the cost to make sure your budget stays the same until the end as it was at the beginning.

There is no success pill of everything you do in this world, but these tips can certainly help you if you plan to develop your mobile application and want it to last a long time.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.

5 iOS App Development Trends to Follow in 2018

The duopoly of mobile operating systems is pretty transparent. With more than 46.68 million iPhones shipped worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2017, Apple is the second largest smartphone provider in the world.

Keeping these numbers aside, there are a few logical reasons for naming the iOS app for businesses as well. However, in addition to building an application for popular operating systems and devices, it’s important to make sure they stand out. This can be made possible by adopting the right techniques to involve users (technology, design and unique features) that, as a result, convert.

iOS app development in India

Considering the iOS app development requirements we receive all year, Apple’s announcements and launches at WWDC 2017, and the new type of apps that become viral, we have accumulated a list of trends that will be followed in 2018.

  • iPad App Development Will Get More Attention
  • In the fourth quarter of 2017, iPad sales generated more than $ 4.83 billion in revenue.
  • In January 2017, the Apple App Store contains more than 2.2 million iOS apps, of which 1 million are native to iPad.

These are just a few of the many facts that estimate the growing demand for iPads and compatible apps for that. The year 2018 is aligned to have more calls for the development of iPad applications for businesses.

  • Cross Platform/ Native App Development

Businesses understand that it’s hard to choose between developing Android and iOS apps. From startups to Fortune 500, companies rely on cross-platform application development.

“Multi-platform mobile app development tools will continue to drive growth in developer tool markets,” said Al Hilwa, Program Manager for Application Development Software at IDC.

Cross-platform native application development platforms such as React Native, Xamarin triumph native and hybrid applications in terms of performance, cost and user interface / UX. That’s why we could see a number of enterprise applications built for cross platforms in 2018 and forward.

  • AR(Augmented Reality) Apps with Toolkit

Apple introduces ARKit for developers, which is a framework for creating AR experiences for iPad and iPhone. Apple’s Augmented Reality framework allows applications to interact with the real world in a number of ways. While the Toolkit will be compatible with iOS 11 and later, there is a plethora of AR SDKs for developers that can increase the user experience by taking applications beyond the screen.

In addition, with the launch of iOS 11, the new update of the app store got a winning answer. Application categorization allowed users to easily discover an application of their choice. And the “Start with AR” section will allow users to easily filter AR applications from the millions of apps in the store.

  • More Intelligent with Core ML

With incredible Machine Learning models, Core ML will allow developers to create smart apps with just a few lines of code. ML models include some amazing features like barcode detection, face detection, object tracking, face tracking, and more. Apple’s Machine Learning framework supports iOS 11 and, for the rest of the editions, developers can choose from some third-party machine learning frameworks. The following year, we could see more smart apps that were coming into the app store, thanks to the many frameworks available to help developers.

  • More Apps to Work with WatchOS

Apple launched the latest version of WatchOS 4 in September 2017, which promises to make apps faster and more responsive than ever before. In addition, the new WatchOS makes it possible to run more applications in the background, other than training or health applications. Applications related to navigation, tour guides, public transportation, etc. can be developed and integrated. As a result, the coming year could see more apps that may have built-in features with Apple Watch.


iOS 11 has a lot to discover for developers and users in 2018. With the new iOS offer, companies can invest more in applications for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch). To stay ahead in the competition arena, it’s time to start developing iOS apps with the latest trends.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading iOS app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.

Mobile-Friendly Pages vs Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

No businesses can underestimate the importance of correctly and quickly displaying the content of its site on mobile devices. But, with variations such as Internet speed and different screen sizes, it’s hard to touch the mobile web.

Google has always focused on the user, and the user experience has always been the most important ranking factor. The user experience always starts with the loading time of the page. In some countries where Internet speed is not a problem, the loading time of the page depends entirely on the technical aspects of the design and development of the page. Whenever a web page takes too long to load, the site owner loses a reader / buyer and also the opportunity to generate revenue through advertising or subscriptions.

Some time ago, Google introduced “mobile-friendly” tags in mobile search results. This label has been added to sites that have provided a good mobile experience by being responsive. This tag was recently removed because Google says that 85% of all mobile search results pages now meet the mobile-enabled label criteria.

The latest development to improve mobile search results and the mobile user experience is the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project, an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile-optimized content and instantly load it anywhere. AMP is a way to create web pages for static content that is displayed quickly. Nowadays, many top mobile app design & development companies in India and UAE are reaping benefits of AMP pages to rule in the online world.

The difference between a mobile-friendly page and AMP can be understood by the following questions.

What are Mobile-Friendly Pages?

Mobile-friendly pages are pages with Responsive Web Design (RWD). RWD is a Web design approach to creating sites to deliver the optimal visual experience across a wide range of devices, from desktop monitors to tablets and mobile phones. In particular, by reacting to the width of the browser window – not just flow the text, but often change the aspects of the layout.

What are Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP)?

AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open source initiative launched by Google in October 2015. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are lightweight pages designed to load quickly on mobile devices. AMP-enabled pages use a subset of HTML with some extensions. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a very accessible framework for creating fast loading mobile web pages.

— How can Websites Become Mobile-Friendly?

A website can be made responsive or mobile-friendly by adding media queries.

Media queries allow you to view content based on the user device without having to edit the content itself. This is a CSS technique introduced in CSS3. Media queries allow the web page to use different CSS style rules based on features such as width, height, and color. A media query is a logical expression that is true or false.

For example:

<! – CSS media query on a link element ->

<link rel = “stylesheet” media = “(maximum width: 800px)” href = “sample.css” />

<! – CSS media query in a style sheet ->


@media (max-width: 600px) {

.facet_sidebar {

display: none;



</ style>

When a media query is true, the relevant style or style sheet rules are applied, following the normal cascade rules.

— How will a Website Become AMP Compliant?

A website is GPA compliant as per instructions at https://www.ampproject.org/docs/get_started/create.html, but AMP pages must also be responsive or mobile-friendly.

— Is There any Duplicate Content Issues with Responsive Websites?

There is no problem with duplicate content on the responsive web pages.

— Is There any Duplicate Content Issues for a AMP Compliant Website?

A responsive web page or a mobile-friendly web page is the same page of the website that is served in another layout. Pages are displayed according to the device from which they are accessed. AMP pages are served to the user from the Google AMP cache. AMP pages have a different URL. Therefore, the problem of duplicate content must be resolved. The Google AMP cache is a proxy-based content delivery network for the distribution of all valid AMP documents. It retrieves AMP HTML pages, caches them, and automatically improves page performance.

— How to Solve the Duplicate Content Issue on AMP?  

If your website is AMP compliant and you have both AMP and non-AMP versions of your pages, include the following links:

On any non-AMP page, reference the AMP version of the page to inform Google and other platforms:

— How to Validate AMP Compliant Pages?

You can validate AMP on https://validator.ampproject.org/

— How to Test Mobile Friendliness of the Website?

You can test how mobile the page is on


— Is Mobile-Friendly a Ranking Signal?

Yes. Since April 21, 2015, Google has begun to extend its use of mobile-friendly as a ranking signal. Mobile usability will continue to remain a ranking factor because AMP must also be made responsive.

— Is AMP Considered as Ranking Signal?

No, AMP is still not a ranking signal as mentioned by John Mueller, a Google Webmaster Trends Analysts, in a Google Hangout at the 15:50 mark in the video.

— How is AMP and Mobile-Friendly Pages Differentiated and Showed in Search Results?

On November 18, 2014, Google added a “Mobile-friendly” label to mobile search results. But recently, Google announced:

In order to keep the search results uncluttered, we will remove the tag, although mobile-friendly criteria will continue to be a classification signal.

Google has introduced AMP as the best stories in the carousel for mobile SERPs. In August 2016, Google began sharing a preliminary overview of extended AMP support across the entire search results page on g.co/ampdemo and not just on the “Top stories” section. AMP pages are labeled with the AMP icon in the search results.

— What About Page Load Time and Page Size?

AMP reduces the size of the page to a large extent, as can be seen in the image below. The number of requests sent to retrieve the page is also lower. AMP improves CTR and also shows an increase in the number of repeat visits.

Jarrod Dicker, Washington Post’s director of advertising products and technology, said the MPA improves click-through rates by up to 50 percent. He also said,

The Post publishes more than 1,000 articles every day in AMP, and they are already seeing real benefits … We’ve seen load times averaging 400 milliseconds, an 88% improvement over our traditional mobile website. This has made readers more inclined to exploit Washington Post articles because they know that our articles will load quickly and quickly.

AMP has also been great for retention. Traditionally, 51% of mobile search users return to the Washington Post within seven days. For users who read articles published in AMP, this number increases to 63%.

Here is an example of a performance test performed on a mobile version of the page and on the AMP page of the same URL:

Performance Summary Of a Responsive Page

— Does Google Provide Reports Regarding AMP and Mobile Friendliness in Analytics and Search Console?

Yes, Google provides a mobile usability report in the Search Console for issues related to mobile usability and responsiveness in search traffic. AMP issues are also shared in Search Console under Search Appearance. Google Analytics can also be added to AMP.

Google says since they started working on this mobile experience for users, they have seen an incredible global adoption of AMPs that has surpassed the information industry to include eCommerce, entertainment, travel, recipe sites And so on. To date, the Google index contains more than 150 million AMP documents, of which more than 4 million are added each week. As the number of mobile phone searches continues to increase at a massive pace, AMP has become increasingly important to search marketers.

If you have any query related to AMP or mobile app design and development, you can contact us. We are one of the leading mobile app design and development company in Delhi/NCR. We provide end to end mobile app development services. We have complete Native app development solution for your business apps.