How to Streamline Product Management with Mobile App Development?

When it comes to mobile application development, it is easy to get bogged down in the details. Testing, creating, and debugging each component can consume much more time than you might expect. Then you enter the A / B tests and evaluate the comments of the users, and things become even more complicated. It is natural to want each piece of your application to be correct, but when you are in the middle of it, you can lose track of priorities, lose deadlines and waste resources, while your competitors get a new application in the market.

A digital product manager can help you organize your workflow and resources in a broader perspective. His job is to maintain the development and design team of the mobile application focused on offering a great product to consumers, not only through the first version or the next improvement of features but throughout the life cycle of the product. product. With the right approach to product management, you can ensure that every step you take to build, design, refine and launch an application will serve your company effectively.

Mobile Application Development

Product management helps you climb

The barriers to entry for the development of mobile applications are quite low. Coding can be a lot of work, and good design requires practice, but it also does not need formal education. Anyone willing to spend time can learn to develop mobile applications, test and adjust their application, and even market and sell it.

If you make a mistake and launch a fiasco, or take a little more than you would like, that’s fine, you’ll learn some valuable lessons, and all you really will lose is the moment you immerse yourself in that application. You can build the next one better, or test it and market it more effectively. And once an application starts to work, you can also handle things on your own. You can receive comments from users, add new features, launch new versions, etc. And if it’s organized, you can do it all without really worrying about digital product management.

But as your company grows and tries to launch additional (or more ambitious) applications, it will reach a point where you will need a more formal approach to the development of mobile applications. Perhaps the team that builds your website and the team that develops the application are not coordinated effectively, and you have to spend a lot of time retouching the UX of the application to match the website. Perhaps its developers are spending too much time experimenting with new functions, while their competitors are taking their application to market. Perhaps your teams are spending too much time developing competitive ideas for the design and flow of users, when they really should decide on the product and build it.

It is easy to blame, but individual failure is not usually the main problem. Most likely, you have reached the point where you need a digital product manager to put all the pieces together. Product administration can help you return to the clarity of vision you had when you started, where everyone on the team understood the strategy, the user and the final objectives for the project.

Product managers help you understand your customers

Mobile application developers are good at understanding and meeting the technical requirements of a project. However, even though they spend a lot of time in the world of applications, they are not always good at understanding customers, or even the market. They are often motivated to face technical challenges or develop new functionalities, but from our perspective, the most successful mobile application developers are not always achieving these goals (although they often do).

For every successful application that does something that nobody has done before, there are dozens, maybe hundreds, who do something simple, in a way that users find satisfying. They are simple games with a retro appeal or programming applications with a particularly attractive workflow and attractive design. Getting those triumphs means understanding what your users want. And as Charles Liu, a user researcher at Helix points out, just asking users what they want will not give them useful answers:

“When you ask a person what he wants, you let him think within the realm of possibility, and that makes the user’s research more difficult than it should be, if he tries to create a new product or experience that still it does not exist, you’ll want to know what it is that makes people unable to do what they want with the tools they currently have, so you can design a completely new experience or a gradual improvement that helps them get the job done. ”

If you have your mobile application development team talking to your users or testers, they probably do not ask the right questions. They want to know what features to add and what new things to build: that is their goal. You may end up spending a lot of time and money building things you do not need, when you could solve the problem in a simpler and more effective way.

Your product manager is a good bridge between your customers, developers, and testers. They can put a right question to the users, work with the technical team members to analyze the best way to satiate the requirements of the users and create a product strategy so as to implement the solution. It will make better decisions, also allocate resources more efficiently and get better RoI.

Digital product managers ask the right questions internally

Most people plan projects as if they were the only ones working on it. In other words, if your developer has to add a sign-in process to a program and they understand how to do it, they will not take the time to make a flowchart at each step. They will treat the login process as a step in the project.

The same applies to your designers. If they understand all the pieces they have to design, and how they fit together, most will not write a list of 30 items: they are simply going to get to work.

But people make mistakes. They lose steps. They remember badly how they did something the first time and end up doing it inconsistently the second time. They receive confusing versions or forget to try things.

Those inconsistencies and forgotten steps can be a big problem in any project with complex dependencies. In case, you have a small error in a basic function of your mobile application, and then create many functions addition that glitchy function, it can have various serious consequences for everyone else’s work. You will have to spend more time debugging, which means a higher cost, a slower release and less happy consumers.

Your digital product manager (in collaboration with your project manager) is responsible for making sure that each step is carried out correctly and that all steps together achieve the goal of the project.

They take the time to ask questions about what steps to take at each stage, what controls and tests are needed at each point of the project, and how the different parts of the project fit together. With good management of digital products, your team spends a little more time planning things at the beginning, to save a lot of work later.

Good product managers can detect inefficiencies

The routine is comforting. Once mobile application developers find a workflow that works for them, they tend to stay with it. There really is a lot to do to spend more time worrying about the process.

Although this approach makes sense for workers, it tends to generate inefficiencies. People continue to perform tasks manually that could be automated. Companies have weekly meetings with all hands because that is how they have always done it, even if they could save time by having small department meetings in their place.

Digital product managers can use metrics to understand how the mobile application development program allocates resources and creates more efficient processes. Often, the mere fact of tracking how much time workers spend on various tasks can generate insight.

For example, an IBM study found that software evaluators are spending 30 to 50% of their time setting up test environments, more time than they spend on real tests! It is obvious, just from that statistic, that many companies need to automate part of the configuration process.

Product managers can also eliminate redundancy in their process. For example, many companies have sales and marketing teams that run independently, resulting in a large number of duplicate functionalities.

They may be creating reports on the same data, requesting similar content, creating overlapping strategies, etc. Actually, they could work more efficiently in cooperation. They created a report, coherent digital content and a marketing strategy that fulfilled both of its objectives, and so on. Not only would you be saving many hours, but you would probably have a more consistent brand strategy, with better performance.

Product management can take your business to the next level

The applications are complex. Under the bright exterior, there is a complex structure, with many pieces that need to work together in order to achieve a single purpose. Without testing and debugging, it can become unstable, inaccurate, and unreliable. A product manager is like the quality control team for your business, debugging and testing your workflow to make sure everything runs smoothly.

If you need any assistance related to native and hybrid mobile application development services, you can contact us:


Mobile: +1-469-789-7400


Different Phases Of Mobile App Development

With more than 1.5 million applications each in the Apple application and Google Play Store, it is important to run the mobile application development process and how your application will fit with your marketing goals and your niche. The life cycle of mobile application development is only a representation of the conventional software development life cycle (SDLC) from the perspective of a mobile device.

Phases of Mobile Application Development

In today’s weather, making a mobile application is not rocket science. However, making a successful mobile application is a process that involves extensive prior planning. Building your mobile application could be as easy as opening the IDE, putting together some things, doing a quick test round and sending it to an App Store, all in half a day of work. Or it can turn it into an extremely complicated process that involves a rigorous initial design, quality control tests on a large number of devices, usability testing, a complete beta life cycle, and then implementing it in different ways. The path you choose will shape your vision. That said, here is a look at the life cycle of application development and the goals and challenges along the way.

1. The investigation

All applications start with an idea, even if yours is just to have a presence in the mobile application. Refine that idea on a solid foundation for an application. Make sure your initial analysis includes real demographics, motivations, behavior patterns, and your buyer’s goals. During every stage of this process, keep in mind the end user. After that try to think about the life-cycle of your customer, once your characteristics are effectively established. After reaching them, they need to be converted, acquired, retained and their loyalty nurtured. In the end, you must understand how the client will use that digital product. Doing this from the beginning will put you on the firm footing, and your clarity will give you and your investors the much-needed confidence.

This phase is essential because, during this phase, you establish the necessary bases for what comes next. Do your part of substantial research and brainstorming before moving on to the next phase. And another important part of this phase is to analyze the competition. A detailed study of your competitor’s application will help you discover what features are missing in your application so you can include it in your application so that it stands out.

2. Wireframing

The next step is to document and structure the application to understand future functionalities. Although time is not on your side at this point, actually, drawing detailed sketches of the intended product helps you discover usability problems. Sketching does much more than just trace your steps. It can be a powerful communication and collaboration tool. When you finish drawing, wireframing will help refine the ideas and organize all the components of the design in the right way. It can overcome any technical limitations found in the back-end development process in this initial phase. Now, aim to develop a clear understanding of how your proposed features and ideas will merge into a functional application. You should also create a roadmap or a storyboard, to demonstrate the relationship between each screen and how users will navigate through the application. Look for opportunities to incorporate your brand, focus on the user experience and consider the differences in the way people use a mobile application compared to a mobile website.

3. Feasibility of technical evaluation

At this point, you may already clearly understand the images, but you should also consider whether background systems can support the functionality of the application. To know if the idea of ​​your application is feasible from a technical point of view, you must obtain access to public data by obtaining public APIs. An application, depending on its format (smartphone, tablet, portable devices, etc.), as well as the platform (iOS, Android, etc.), will have different requirements. At the end of this exercise, the team may have different ideas for the application or decide which part of the initial functionality is not feasible. At this point, brainstorm, ask questions and review the status.

4. Prototype

Build a rapid prototype. Rapid is the keyword here. You can not really understand the touch experience until you touch the application and see how it works and flows. Therefore, build a prototype that puts the concept of the application in the hands of users as quickly as possible to see how it works in the most common use case. Use rugged and non-exhaustive wireframes for this phase. This will help you know if you are taking all the things in the right direction. Include the interested parties in the process, allowing them to touch the prototype, give their opinion and implement those in their work. And, in addition, the prototype will give the different stakeholders the first look at your mobile application and also help you validate the information you have gathered.

5. Design

Once you get this step out of the way, you can immerse yourself in the coding. Your user experience designer (UX) designs the interaction between the design elements, while the user interface designer (UI) creates the appearance of your application. This is a multi-step process with many stages of revision. What you get are blueprints and visual direction, informing your engineers about the final end product and how the interaction should move, feel and flow. Depending on the scope of your project and the budget of the application, this design phase can be completed in a single afternoon or it can take a team a lot of hours. And remember to create multiple variations of a screen by playing with the design of the navigation, buttons and other visual elements. The more the product varies, the greater the chances that your UX will be original. The design of the application will prove to be a multi-step process, and its results should be clear visual directions that provide an abstraction of the final product.

6. Develop

The development phase usually starts quite early. In fact, once an idea acquires a certain maturity in the conceptual stage, a prototype is developed that validates the functionality, the assumptions and helps to understand the scope of the work.

As development progresses, the application goes through a series of stages. In the initial stage, the central functionality, although present, is not proven. See the application has many failures, and the non-main functionality does not exist at this time. In the second stage, a large part of the proposed functionality is incorporated. The application has passed ideally by light tests and correction of errors, although some problems could be present. In this phase, the application is launched to a certain group of external users to perform more tests. Once the errors in the second stage are corrected, the application will move to the implementation phase, where it is ready for launch.

If yours is a complex project where the user’s requirements change regularly, use the agile methodology. Help with flexible planning, progressive development, early implementation and constant improvements. A large application can be divided into smaller modules, and the agile methodology can be applied to each of these small pieces.

7. Test

In the development of mobile applications, it is a good idea to do an early and frequent test. Doing this will keep your final costs low. The more advanced you are in the development cycle, the more expensive it will be to repair the errors. Consult the original design and planning documents when constructing the different test cases.

The application tests are extensive, therefore, make sure that your equipment covers all the necessary facets of it. The application must be tested to check its usability, compatibility, security, interface controls, stress and performance. In user acceptance tests, you discover whether or not your mobile application works for your intended users. To test this, give your application to a few people in your target audience and ask the relevant questions. Once your application passes the user acceptance test, you know that your solution “works” and also makes your application available for a beta test, either by registering previously identified groups or an open application for participants. The comments you receive from beta users will help you to know if the functions of the application work well in a real situation.

8. Deployment

Your application is ready to send. Choose a day and key a formal release. For different app stores, the launch policies of an application are different. And keep in mind that this is not the end. Application development does not end at launch. As your application reaches users, comments will be received, and you should incorporate those comments in future versions of the application. Each application will need updates and new features. Normally, as soon as the first version of the application is released, the development cycle begins again. Make sure you have the resources to maintain your product. In addition to the money invested in the construction of a digital product, keep in mind that it is a long-term commitment. Good luck.


Company: Appzure


Mobile: +1-469-789-7400


Why Should Small Business Choose Cross Platform Mobile Apps?

We cannot deny the fact that we live in the 21st century where the importance of following the digital revolutions cannot be ignored. To be more specific, Smartphone revolutions are something that changed the whole story in one go. It does not affect our personal life, but the business also in a positive way.

Benefits of Hybrid Apps

If you talk about the benefits of hybrid applications, there are many, and some of the most important are mentioned below. And because of these major benefits, it has become to have hybrid mobile applications for businesses.

  • Unified development
  • Rapid deployment
  • Low-level access
  • Offline support
  • Scaling

Before diving into the depths, you need to know what the hybrid application really is and how it is beneficial for small businesses.

Cross-Platform-Mobile app development

In simple terms, this is an ideal fusion of native and Web applications. Saying that it would not be wrong that it has become the most sought-after application since the hybrid application is an ideal fusion of distinct elements, approaches and technologies. The best thing is that it works effectively on multiple devices. Getting the hybrid mobile app means that you are establishing the right way to get in touch with the desired customers. That’s why many companies are looking for the best platform to get the best hybrid mobile application development service. Native applications are created for a specific platform and are only installed on a computer device. While the web application is multi-platform, it is not locally installed.

There is no shortage of tools and framework for the hybrid application. Attached, we will quote the name of the prominent Seven Hybrid App Development Framework

  • Angular mobile user interface
  • Intel XDK
  • Titanium Appcelerator
  • Sencha Touch
  • Kendo UI
  • PhoneGap

Although, the hybrid application is a mobile application in which different types of mobile operating systems can run easily like iOS, Windows, Android, etc., but technically it’s very different since it works with the CSS combination, JavaScript and HTML.

There is a wide range of benefits if you use hybrid apps for businesses. Here we will mention some of the important reasons why it is essential to have Hybrid App for Business.

  • First, it’s quite profitable.
  • It comes with the availability of resources.
  • Speed ​​is another point to consider as it is faster than a mobile app.
  • It can be used even if you are offline.

When there are too many benefits that will refuse to go with this new era App. The great thing is that this hybrid app is a good choice to make to increase business profits.

In this age where everything is about technology, Hybrid Mobile Apps gives you the edge over your competitors in the industry. Saying would not be wrong that with the help of the Hybrid mobile app, you get a magic wand that gives you the shower with the power to get in touch with the desired customers. You can easily increase your profits by informing them of your goods and services without getting caught in a problem.

If you need any assistance related to hybrid app development or cross-platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing a feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

How Custom App Development Helping Your Business?

The mobile application for any business or company is no longer a requirement but has become a necessity. All customers use mobile applications, which have created a large market for the field of custom mobile application developers all around the world. The statistical reports say that since 2015 more than 85% of companies use them to develop their business.

According to the recent CDW survey, today’s businesses rely more on custom applications to help with day-to-day operations and procedures, including; sales support, data access, communications, service support, commercial process, productivity, collaboration and presentation.

Custom applications help create extraordinary value for companies, as they are specifically geared to unique needs and are adapted according to a specific company profile and work mandate. Have a look at some advantages of custom mobile app development:

Improve Efficiency

Unlike other applications, these applications are completely focused on the business. It is made to keep your business in mind, keeping in mind the benefits associated with your business, which improves the efficiency of your business by 46%. These applications are developed completely considering your business. Therefore, it is friendly to employees and helps employees produce the best production that in turn improves the efficiency of their business. Instead of using multiple applications for your business promotion, this custom application helps you build your entire business and promote it collectively.

Therefore, it becomes an easy task to manage and manage that increases the efficiency of your business. Therefore, the use of applications for your business is recommended, since it is the best business tool that will help you grow and expand your business with maximum efficiency and the least work load.

Increase productivity

Now, once you make your business efficient, what is the next thing you want? Yes, it is the productivity of your business. And you’ll be happy to know that the custom mobile application increases your business productivity by 41%. It promises productive growth for your business. By using these applications, you can also increase the productivity of your product efficiently.

Statistics say that 74 percent of customers saw an increase in productivity thanks to the implementation of their custom application, and 81 percent reported a reduction in inefficient tasks. And what’s more, 60 percent of customers saw a return on investment for their applications. He is a great figure that forces him and attracts him towards the use of personalized mobile applications. And, therefore, you should definitely do it and make your business more productive than ever.


What will you do if someone gets the code from your normal application and gets all your important data related to your business? It was a mom, right! But do not worry, since the custom mobile application also promises to solve this problem of yours. A customized mobile application is fully developed and designed for your business and, therefore, great importance is attached to security. Any information that is associated with your custom application is completely secure and is protected from unauthorized access.

These applications offer some of the best techniques to protect your important and private business data. You can guarantee this security in the way you want taking into account the requirements of your company. With this application, you can even decide different levels of security according to the user. For example, you may have different access permissions for your client, general employee, important employee and you as well. Therefore, custom applications provide you with excellent security features that promise to keep your data safe and secure.

It offers mobility

Any mobile application is simply useless if it does not offer great mobility. As the name itself suggests that mobility is something that must be done, much can be achieved through custom mobile applications. Totally focused on your business, providing data related to your business, this application provides an increase in mobility of 39%. You can not win the hearts of your customers if your mobile application is not remote and mobile.

This mobile application also solves this problem and offers great mobility and the ability to work remotely. Therefore, now is the time to make your business more mobile and achieve the remote access you want. Start with custom applications and win the hearts of your customers with many features offered.

Cost savings

It is said that a business is successful only if it saves costs and provides the required benefit. Save your cost by 29%, which means that all of your company’s products will save an additional 29%. It sounds like a dream come true, right? In this way, you can increase the profits of your business through your custom application. Made by you, developed by you and made for your business, this application saves you the costs.

You also find that by using the custom application, you save the number of employees that work for you, which means that you can achieve the same effective work with less labor cost. By developing your own custom commercial mobile application, you can enjoy your total control and you do not need to depend on others at all, which will also save your developer the cost of maintenance. Therefore, you can save your cost and increase your profits through custom mobile applications, so it is a good way of expanding the business.

Collaboration of employees

As the personalized mobile application is based exclusively on business, it is extremely easy for your employees to understand it. With the ease-of-use feature, it adds a feature of ease for the employee that increases employee collaboration and increases it by 28%. This means that for each employee you will get an increase in work by 28%, and seeing this figure, you can imagine how much growth your company will experience with this collaboration. You get maximum performance, with an increase of the entrance through a custom application that gives you another reason to use it.

Customer satisfaction

All your business growth and application development can be in vain if your customers are not satisfied. The customized mobile application also makes your customer satisfy and increases customer satisfaction by 27%. This means that each of your customers will be 27% more satisfied, which means that in every four customers you will get a new one. An extremely impressive figure is not that.

Customized business applications allow you to send customized updates related to your products and services to your existing customers in real time and help you access customer details and receive comments, which helps you improve your mobile application and business as needed of your customers. .

Communication with the customer

A client really feels very happy and promotes his business for free if he is communicating with him/her correctly. Adding simple forms and surveys can help you get the required customer information. Increase the communication efficiency of the client by 27%. Customized mobile applications allow you to communicate freely with your customers and solve your problem. And, once your clients’ problems are solved quickly, you can make them feel happy, which will promote your business, and even you know that users listen to customers review more than anyone, so try to do it.

Competitive advantages

In addition to the factors mentioned above, the other thing that helps you develop your business is your position in the market. It is extremely important that you remain in the market and maintain a competitive approach.

These applications also provide this benefit and give you competitive advantages by 25% more. This means that your chances of winning a competition and achieving a good position in the market increase 25% more than the current ones. And all this helps them stay between different businesses.


Company: Appzure


Mobile: +1-469-789-7400


Python Role In Mobile Application Development

In this article, we know how Python plays an important role in mobile applications. Python is a high-level dynamic programming language that can easily interface with C / ObjC / Java / Fortran. It is used in a broad application domain. Easy-to-apply, interface, learn, and easy. Python is a beautiful and elegant language that allows you to write the same program with a much lower line code than PHP. Python’s best developers have knowledge of different types of structures and with the experience, they have been able to provide the best Python development services at an affordable cost. Most people prefer Python for its simplicity and reliability. It gives you more work to work faster and provides a great interactive environment.

Role of Python in mobile app development

Why Python Development?

  • Python runs all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux / UNIX, OS / 2, Mac, Amiga etc.
  • The language created the intention to enable clear programs on both a small and a large scale.
  • Python provides more tools for both developers and system administrators.
  • Many companies such as GOOGLE, Yahoo !, and IBM use this Python because it’s a fun and dynamic language.
  • It provides fast development and allows portability to run across platforms for the same application.
  • Python is packed with rich libraries and many add-ons packages to deal with certain tasks.

Python features systematic codes, powerful spontaneous abilities, very clear, readable syntax, intuitive object orientation, very high-level dynamic data type, easily written in C, C ++ (or johnathan jyothan, or net). Language for IronPython), extensive standard libraries and third-party modules, full modularity, hierarchical package support, upgrade-based error handling and embeds in applications as a scripting interface. Python is widely used in web application development. It is used in a wide range of non-scripting contexts. Python COM, .NET, Korba, Java, and it often works better than comparing TCL, Perl, Ruby, Schemes or Java.

Python role in mobile applications

There are various types of applications for business, entertainment, utilities, hospitality sectors, games and more, these apps ensure fit to fit different screen sizes of iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, laptop, palm, etc. Mobile development has become a major business venture due to its growing scope. For every person in the world, it is impossible to live without a mobile. It plays an important role in all life. There are many software systems used by designers for Symbian, J2 May, Android, Flash Lite, Python, Laser, Brad etc.

It’s a great cross-platform python framework that works for Android, Win7, Linux, Mac. It’s a great tool for writing simple scripts and complex, multi-threaded applications. The great thing about Python at Android is the already written and freely available scope of using thousands of lines of code available. iPhone or Android app developers take a number of cross-platform development strategies to provide a great mobile app for customers. The top tools used for cross-formatting mobile application development include RhoMobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Army Touch, Moscik, Wup, Widgetpad, Genuine, AppMac, Mpin, SWAPPs, Mobikart etc.

Appcelerator – This platform uses web technologies and creates great apps for desktop, mobile and tablet applications. Languages ​​used to develop HTML, Python, PHP and some other applications.

MoSync SDK – This mobile application is used for the creation of iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Symbian, Windows Mobile, JAWAY, and Blackberry. It uses common programming languages ​​such as PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, and Python for Cross platform mobile application development.

Mobile application is written in Python

Aarlogic C05 / 3 – GSM / GPS tracking, including Pixon Development, with support for test servers based on Google Maps, is ready to use PCB.

AppBackup – An application for jailbroken iOS devices that retrieves backups and settings from the App Store apps.

Pyroute – A GPS-enabled map/routing application for mobile devices.

Android Google provides Android Scripting Environment (AS), which supports scripting language (included Python) for Android running. The excellent features of Python play an important role in mobile applications.


Difference Between Native and React Native Mobile Apps

The name React Native may not be a new word for you. If you are into the mobile app development. This term is been on trend for a while now in the world of technology. Since Facebook announced the release of React Native mobile app framework. Many businesses have started using it for their mobile application development process.

Just like any other mobile app development framework, React Native has its own advantage and disadvantage. However, still many mobile app developers prefer to work with native app tools and frameworks, but there is various number of new and aspiring developers who are considering to work on React Native for their future mobile app projects.

This post is targeted to highlight both advantage and disadvantage of using React Native in comparison with the Native app development. For making this comparison a lot better we have listed both the pros and cons of React Native as well as the Native mobile app.

Native vs React Native app development

In this post, our purpose was to keep this comparison nice and simple between both these platforms.

Native Mobile App Development

Here are all the pros and cons of native app development:


Third Party Libraries

Whenever you are developing a mobile app in the native environment, you can choose to work with various third party libraries. There are lot of resources and the developer community is huge in order to help the developers in improving the app user experience and the mobile application itself.

Good to Know

Even though you can use frameworks for developing a new mobile application, having the proper knowledge about the platform and underlying its architecture is a huge advantage. Some of the functionalities cannot be integrated into your mobile app using these frameworks, and for integrating those important functionalities knowledge of native mobile application development is sometimes necessary.

Long-Term Aspects

If you are going to work on the native mobile application development for the long term than it is one of the safest options. Furthermore, you can also update it and change its existing APIs and programming language, like when Apple migrated from Objective-C to Swift, all these changes made to the mobile app are backward compatible and it provides the guide and tutorials for porting between these changes.

API Access

The APIs and access to other features provided by the mobile platform can be easily accessed if you are working on native app development environment. You are not required to create an extra layer of mapping over the mobile app functionality which is required to be updated. After that, there will be no restrictions and dependencies other than those included in the Native mobile app environment.

Strict Language

iOS and Android are having the native language which is called strict languages which makes it easier for developers to detect the hidden errors. It is quite easy to learn any one language since all of them are strict. Even though it will take time to get into the comfort zone.


You are Required to Develop Two Applications

One of the biggest disadvantages of native app development is that the apps developed can run on a specific mobile platform only. Meaning that if you are developing a native mobile application, you will have to develop the application for separate mobile platforms. For instance, if you want your app to be available on both iOS and Android you are required to develop two apps for each platform. Unlikely, both these applications will differ a lot, and no source code can be shared between them. Moreover, the backend, which is an important part of any mobile application, can be the same for both the versions.

React Native Mobile Application Development

Here are all the pros and cons of React native mobile application development:


Single Code Base

As discussed above, there is no need right the separate code for two applications if you are using React Native. Instead, you can use the single code base for both iOS and Android platforms if you are going to work on React Native. The biggest benefit of React Native is that you are not required to learn a different programming language for each mobile platform. Only one language to know is enough.

Web Concepts

Transitioning from web development to mobile application development can be a little trickier for a web developer. With React Native it smoothens the transition as this framework is based on Javascript programming language. Plus, most of the web developers are used to JavaScript which makes the development of mobile apps a lot easy to learn and web developers get more familiar to.

Open Source

React Native is open source and free to use which provide developers the opportunity to analyze and inspect the code. It can be very helpful for the beginners to increase the understanding of the framework. Also, it helps in improving the framework by adding new features or fixing bugs.

Hot Reloading

Whenever you are developing an application on React Native and then a file is saved, all the changes are shown quickly on the device where your mobile app is running. This speeds up the mobile app development process of getting feedback from the users on recent updates and changes.


Whenever you are going develop a simple application on React Native, the time from beginning to having the application on the market is shorter than when developing a native mobile app. It is because you are required to create only one application instead of developing two applications simultaneously.


Third Party Libraries

React Native has a smaller developer community than native mobile app development and also has less number of libraries as well. In order to use the third party libraries developed for the native mobile app development, these features have to be written in a native module.

React Native Does Not Support All the APIs

All the APIs supported in native mobile application development is not supported by React Native. The most used APIs are supported, but most of them are required to have the access to other APIs or functionality. All this can be done by using the native modules.

Interaction with Other Native Apps

There are situations where one wants to access other native mobile apps, such as the calculator, it is much easier to access it via native app frameworks. However, React Native does not provide the support for it, meaning that it has to be written as native modules or using a third-party library.

Native Modules

Since most of the features and functionality are not included in React Native. All these issues have been solved since the inception of Native Modules. All these modules are the part of the source code which is written in native language and then integrated into the entire source code. This is one of the best ways to solve the problem of not having the support for APIs. However, for that, you need a developer who possesses good knowledge in native mobile app development. Something that the developer always wanted to avoid by working on React Native. Moreover, this thing sometimes results in duplication of the source code since all the native modules for both iOS and Android are written separately.

Long-Term Aspects

There is always an uncertainty when it comes to long-term support for mobile apps developed on React Native. The day will come when the Facebook will stop providing updates for it or there will be changes made to the native mobile application development which is hard to turn around.


If you want to develop your mobile application for both the platforms then there is no better choice than React Native. Moreover, developers who are having experience in web development can develop the application without any issues or complex functionality.

Otherwise, you can prefer to develop your application on Native in most cases. If you are having the knowledge about the APIs and native language than also you can develop your application in React Native. Therefore, if you are a beginner then it is strongly suggested to you to work on Native mobile app development.

Source: AppZure

Contact Details: AppZure – Mobile app development


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Google releases All New “Android P” Beta Version

Now the wait is over, Google has unleashed the third beta of its latest mobile operating system Android P, which is supposed to be a “near-final” look at the operating system before it’s completed later this summer. VP of engineering for Android, Dave Burke calls the latest beta version an “early release candidate build” that “takes us very close to what you’ll see in the final version of Android P.”

Android P update

It’s not clear that this beta includes any new features— Burke only lists bug fixes and optimizations. The bigger deal here is really for developers, since system behaviors and APIs are supposed to be in a close to final state, so they can start to test apps and rely on how they’ll work.

This release will help developers test their apps in the nearly completed version of Android P to detect bugs and avoid problems when it is actually released.

Also, since all the developer APIs were completed in the previous update, developers now have a more complete picture of changes in Android P and all the tools to test how their apps will handle new stability-enhancing restrictions the OS will bring.

Burke describes it as an “early release candidate build of Android with near-final system behaviors and the official Android P APIs (API level 28)”.

Preview 4 and Preview 5, due out over the next few weeks, will be official release candidates for further testing and final testing before Android P’s release.

Similar to iOS 12’s Screen Time for countering unintended iPhone overuse, Android P will introduce a dashboard to help users understand their usage patterns and how much time they’re spending with each app.

There are also user interface changes, new navigation techniques, an Adaptive Battery power management system, and support for full-screen devices with a notch or cut-out.

This update doesn’t appear to introduce any major new features but rather has superficial tweaks, according to XDA-Developers’ rundown of changes.

The Android P rollout will also be a good chance to see the impact, one year on, from Project Treble, which was aimed at delivering new versions of Android faster.

Project Treble should be most noticeable on devices that shipped with Android Oreo and has already helped expand the number of devices eligible to join the Android P beta, such as the OnePlus 6, Nokia 7 plus, and some Vivo models.

Burke also flagged an upcoming developer Reddit Ask Me Anything session where the Android engineering team will answer technical questions about Android P. This will be hosted on July 19 from 11.30am to 1pm PT.

How to install the Android P beta today?

And while it’s generally not a great idea to test beta operating systems on your main device, if you’ve been thinking about it, this is when it should start to be a safer bet. While Google isn’t promising a complete absence of bugs in this build, the fact that we’re looking at an early release candidate suggests most of the major changes and optimizations should be in place. That said, Google still has a month or two to go before final release, so there’s likely still improvements to come.

One thing we’ll be looking for in the new beta: whether Android’s digital wellbeing features have arrived. They didn’t make an appearance in earlier betas, despite being one of P’s highest-profile features. And they’re not mentioned in the blog post; so it’s possible this is something that’ll be pushed until an update later in the year, like alongside the next round of Pixel devices.

Burke also announced that the Android engineering team will host a Reddit AMA later this month, on July 19th, to answer “technical questions” about the new OS.

Android P New Features

One of the best features of Android is its notification system. It uses the best ideas from companies that originally got it right, like Palm and Nokia, then blends them into a display of information and rich content that we have all come to rely on. Because the notification system is very important for a handheld device that’s supposed to keep you in touch with the world around you, it’s also constantly being improved. Android P will be no exception.

Android notifications improve every year. Here’s what happened with Android Oreo

A New Look

Your notifications can (and often do) look very different depending on which company made your phone. That’s also part of Android’s notifications — they are customizable by the developers that built Android itself, as well as app developers that know best what notifications their apps should generate. Phones from manufacturers that tend to follow Google’s lead, like Motorola and Sony, things will be softer, rounder, and more colorful with Android P.

Gone are things like grey lines to act as separators, and instead your status bar — which also has a new look to accommodate display notches — won’t become part of the shade when it’s drawn. Instead, the shade transforms into a card interface with round corners and bright icons for quick settings, and a second card for the actual notification content. The bright colors and round corners will be subject to individual tastes (and debate) but it’s evident that someone at Google spent a lot of time and attention to detail here.

The change looks more drastic than it is, and that’s likely by design, too. Android’s notification shade doesn’t need to be rebuilt or changed too much at once. That’s how you ruin a good thing. Instead, time should be spent to find the perfect interface to show us what we expect to see. Android has matured.

Smarter everywhere

Smart replies using Google’s machine learning algorithms come standard with Android P. Your phone parses the content of a message when it shows a preview in the notification, and as a result, you are given three smart replies you can send with a single tap. These have been supported since Android 8.0 but now Google is building them into the notification system for all app developers to use. You can, of course, choose to ignore the suggestions and type you own reply directly from the notification if you like.

And you may very well be able to use the notification shade without opening your messaging app. Android P brings changes that identify the sender and display the last few lines of the conversation at the top of your phone. The new Person class can fetch user details from your contacts and show avatars, nicknames and other information about who is talking. It even works for group messages.

When you want to reply, there is no need to open the app. Everything you need is available at the bottom of the shade including things like saving as a draft, mark as read, delete, and reply just like the reply field in the app itself. For those of us who tend to send short and sweet messages, it’s like having a second miniature version of the app in your notifications.

More to come

There are more subtle changes that will make their mark as Android P becomes final and applications are built to leverage its features. We can’t forget the notch support which could play a big part in your notification area or things like changes to make Android easier to use and more powerful. Broadcasts, where apps receive messages from the Android system itself, have also been tweaked to support the Notification Channels changes and Do Not Disturb settings.

Overall, Google has built a great base and set of tools to make the notifications from the apps you love on the phone you have a lot better. We can get behind changes that make things better.

To read more updated about Android and iOS apps, please follow:

Source: Appzure

Contact: +1-469-789-7400



Benefits of React Native Mobile App Development Platform for Small Business

With the modification in technology and smartphones currently, the modern day businesses are shaping up and have seen a really good quantity of change. whether or not you are a startup online business or a new small-scale business, having a mobile app is something you must consider it as an important thing. According to, by the year 2020, all the 38.5 billion devices are connected with each other over the internet. Given this fact that most devices like smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, wearables etc will get the access to mobile apps.

React Native is the open supply framework designed for mobile app development on numerous mobile platforms like Android and iOS. it’s supported the popular React.JS library and makes the use of Javascript programming language. most importantly, React Native runs by using the API written in Javascript over native components. React Native’s quality is compared with the likes of Objective-C, Swift, and Java. several of those mentioned frameworks have a variety of shortcomings but React Native surpasses them in many ways. Moreover, mobile apps are the good medium for small businesses to reach their potential customers.

React Native app development

In this post, we will discuss some of the advantages of React Native mobile app development platform for small businesses.

It Covers Both iOS and Android

Initially, Facebook developed React Native for supporting iOS. However, with the recent support for Android mobile platform, the React Native mobile app development platform can render a mobile user interface(UI) for both mobile platforms. Facebook makes the use of React Native to develop its own ads manager app, creating the version for both iOS and Android. Both the version is developed by the same team of developers.

Facebook has also made React Native mobile app development platform open-source, with the idea of making it compatible with other platforms like TvOS or Windows phone could be worked on by the developer community.

Simplified User Interface Design

In case of React Native mobile application development, many developers face so many difficulties due to the requirement to create an orderly sequence of tasks which describes the operation of the program. Moreover, a similar kind of app development, known as imperative, is quite common in most of the frequently used native mobile application frameworks like Swift, Java or Objective-C. In turn, React Native hybrid application development platform uses the declarative coding, making the implementation of the order of action least important.

Support Rapid Development Iterations

Developers who are working on React Native receives the huge benefit in the form of time saved by acceleration for debugging. In order to look at the changes made to the operation of an app in the code, alterations of not more than two seconds are needed. In this way, even the Xcode’s hot reload function essentially loses to React Native because there is no requirement to upload the updated mobile application to a physical mobile device or an emulator each time.

Provides Third-Party Plugin Compatibility, Smoother Experience, and Less Memory Usage

Third-party plugins mean that you don’t have to rely on WebView for certain functions. For instance, if you want to add Google Maps functionality in your application, React Native allows you to link the plugin with a native mobile app module so you can link the maps with mobile device functionality like rotate, zoom, and the compass while making use of less memory and loading faster. In addition, if your application is supporting older versions of the mobile operating system, this can help you in keeping your app to run smoothly.

Reduction in Labour Resources

To develop a mobile app with React Native, you do not need separate development team for your target mobile platform. However, thanks to the React Native features like using single programming language and cross-platform development approach, a development team of 10 developers can develop and maintain the code base, as well as release platform-based application versions. If the developer possesses average knowledge in Javascript they might develop and support an app for Android or iOS or both. This would allow you to hire a single remote team for your business mobile application development. According to a practice shown by, the cross-platform framework can save up to 30% of the development time and reduces the cost of the whole project.

Better Development Experience

With React Native, developers get the benefit of debugging tools and error reporting. For instance, if you are familiar with the developer tools of Safari or Chrome, same can be utilized for mobile app development.

The functionality of API ranges from data storage to access the hardware components of the mobile device like the camera to accessing location-based services.

The option for integrating third-party plugin means there is a less reliance on the webview for some important functionalities to be integrated into the application.

Support for Native Code Base

When developing an application with React Native, it is simple and possible to combine the components which are written natively in Swift, Objective-C, Java or any other programming language. By this way, the application’s efficiency can be optimized according to your requirements. One part of an app can be developed on React Native and another part can be done using native code. That’s how React Native works.


React Native is one of the best frameworks which makes the mobile application development simple using the existing Javascript programming language. The caliber of this framework for developing mobile applications can be estimated by the fact that some of the high scale and popular apps like Tesla, Walmart, Instagram, Vogue etc. makes the use of React Native mobile app development platform.

Also, Facebook makes stable releases for React Native, by making it powerful and making it free from risks. Businesses would be benefited a lot from React Native as they don’t have to spend on the development tools. Moreover, it has the ability for code sharing for cross-platform without compromising the app quality and ability for faster app development. Therefore, React Native due to its rapid development cycle, simplicity, and constant improvement is one the best frameworks for small businesses.

To know more about Native App Development services please refer:

Source: Appzure


How can you make a successful Mobile Applications?

Mobile apps are currently common and it’s a popular way to give content and services. however, according to Fortune, over 75th of users open an app once and never return. Today, mobile users expect a lot from the application – quick loading times, easy use and enjoyment during the interaction. Adapting to the context of use, whereas keeping interaction levels as low as possible (limiting the number of actions required to complete a task) is rapidly changing into a standard for many applications.

how to make a successful mobile app?

So what exactly can we consider as a “good experience”? Let’s explore the fundamentals of that most mobile application development companies in India & Dubai are following:

Minimizing Cognitive Load

The fewer users experience friction and confusion when interacting with an application (for example, cognitive load), the better the chances of the application remains.

Optimizing User Flow

Understanding how users interact with an application is essential for optimization. As mobile app designers and developers in India & UAE, Dubai, one needs to understand the user’s goals in the context of the entire user flow. This knowledge will help him identify the most common friction points when completing the task.

Here are some of the popular methods for optimizing user flow:

Chunking for big tasks. If a task contains a large number of required steps and actions on the part of the user, it is best to divide that task into a number of subtasks. A good example is the progressive payment flow in e-commerce applications. You can separate an extraction process into the number of steps each of which requires user action.

Use the information you already have about your users. You probably already have a lot of information about your users – you just need to use it correctly. Consider Uber in the example below – the application does not ask the user for its location, it automatically detects the location based on geographic data. At this point, the user only has to select a collection location.

Provide a natural next step. When the task requires users to perform a number of steps, maintain momentum by clearly indicating the next step.

Prioritize the main action per screen. By following this simple rule, you will make the interface easier to learn and easier to use. Use the visual weight to prioritize important elements (such as the contrasting color of the main prompt button).

Cutting Out the Clutters

A good UI design is to provide relevant information (signal) and to avoid irrelevant information (noise).

By cluttering your interface, you overload users with too much information: every button, image or icon added makes the screen more complicated. Clutter is terrible on a desktop, but it’s even worse on mobile devices where we do not have too much free space to play with.

Note: If you want to reduce the clutter on a screen that represents a portion of the user flow, only display what is needed on the current step of the flow. For example, when a user makes a choice, display enough information to allow him to make a choice, then dive into the details of the following screen(s).

Making Self-Evident Navigation

All the cool features and compelling content in the world will not matter if people can not find it.

Here are some navigation rules:

  • Do not hide it. Avoid hidden navigations such as gesture-guided because most users will find it difficult to find them.
  • Consistent navigation. Mobile application developers in India & Dubai, UAE often hide menus on individual pages. Do not do this because it may disrupt or disorient your users.
  • Communicate the current location. Not indicating the current location is the common problem of many mobile applications. “Where am I?” Is one of the most basic questions users must answer to navigate successfully.

Note: It is best to use standard navigation templates, such as the tab bar (for iOS) and the navigation drawer (for Android). Most users are familiar with both navigation models. No need to be smart if a simple solution works.

Optimizing Interactions for the Medium

Mobile phones are not smaller versions of desktops – they have their own nuances and constraints.

Elements Designed Should Look Like How they behave

A mobile user interface must clearly communicate which elements are interactive and which elements are static.

Unlike desktops where users can use rollover effects to understand whether something is interactive or not, mobile users can check interactivity only by tapping an item. Users should be able to correctly predict the behavior of an interface element by looking at it.

Design Target Button Which is Finger-Friendly

When designing workable elements in mobile interfaces, it is essential to create targets large enough for users to easily exploit. Typically, design controls that have a touch surface of 7-10 mm so that they can be accurately tapped with a finger. Such a target taps the edges of the target visible to users when they touch it. Users will be able to understand whether or not they reach the target accurately.

Also, make sure that the elements are not too close to each other – there should be adequate spacing between the targets to prevent false entries.

Considering the Thumb Zone

Designing thumbs is not just about making big enough targets, it’s about thinking about how we hold our devices.

While a thumb can scan most of the screen on most moving screens, only one-third of the screen is a truly effortless territory. This territory is called the natural area of the thumb. Other areas require a stretching of the fingers or even a change of the handle to reach them. Based on the placement of the hands (left, right or combined), we can see what the safe zone looks like on the modern mobile device.

Design for Interruption

We live in a world of interruption. Something is constantly trying to distract us and direct our attention elsewhere.

For example, users can use your application while waiting for the train. It is essential to design the mobile mindset. Facilitate re-engagement of users with an app when they return after the interruption.

Twitter is a good example of design for the interruption. The notification screen of the application displays all recent notifications. As long as the user stays on this screen, the application does not automatically update the list – it simply displays a “new notification A” status at the top of the list. This allows users to not lose their current position when they re-engage with the app after a while.

  • Strive to Create Multichannel Experience
  • Mobile apps do not live in a vacuum.

For example, mobile users typically navigate to a mobile e-commerce website and then switch to the desktop to purchase. This transition must feel invisible.

Intuitive Gestures

Use only the most natural gestures for the application of your category.

Why? Because gestures are hidden controls.

As Thomas Joos points out in his article Beyond the Button: Adopting the gesture-guided interface, the main drawback of using gestures in a user interface is the learning curve. Each time a visible control is replaced by a gesture, the learning curve of the application increases. This happens because gestures have less visibility – they are always hidden and people must be able to identify these options first. This is why it is essential to use only widely accepted gestures (those that users expect to have in your application).

A good example of a category-appropriate gesture is the pull-to-refresh for feed applications.

Making App Faster with Skeleton Screen

Your application should be fast and responsive – but you will inevitably face situations where this is not always possible.

For example, the Internet connection may be too slow. If you can not shorten the line, you should at least try to make the wait more pleasant. This may be the perfect time for skeletal screens.

A skeleton screen is a blank version of a page in which information is progressively loaded. Unlike animated loading spinners that draw users’ attention to data loading, skeletal screens focus the user’s attention on progress instead of waiting times.

Focus on First Time User Experience

Just like a person, your mobile app does not have a second chance to make a good first impression. If you do not, you can bet that they will not be back.

Good Onboarding is Important

Perhaps the most important rule for creating integration – it should not be generic, it should be beneficial for people who will use the application.

Designers should consider integration as an opportunity to create a ramp for new users. At the same time, integration should only be used if it is really essential for the first use.

Design Zero State

An empty state is a state in which nothing has happened yet. This state does not have to be a blank canvas, it should provide a direction and tips for getting up and running with the application.

Take a Spotify error status screen as an example. This does not help users understand the context and does not help them find the answer to the question: “What can I do about it?

Now compare it to the empty state of NFL Fantasy. This zero state makes an error message both readable and useful. The concise, polite and informative copy clearly indicates:

  • What went wrong and maybe why.
  • What is the next step that the user should take to correct the error?

Delightful Animation

Unlike the functional animation used to improve the clarity of the user interface, a delightful animation is used to make the interface more human. This type of animation clearly indicates that the people who designed the application care about the users. The use of charming details is an opportunity to create an emotional connection with your users.

Timing Your Notifications

Not only what you want to say is important, but also when you want to say it. Do not send push notifications in strange hours. The best time for push notification is the peak hour of mobile use – from 18:00 to 22:00.

Considering Other Channels for Delivering Message

Push notification is not the only way to deliver a message to your users. Use email, in-app notifications, and news feed messaging to notify users of important events based on the level of urgency and the type of content you want to share.


Designers often say that design is invisible, people who use it focus on their own goals and not on the interface. As a designer, you must strive to create an invisible interface as these interfaces meet the needs of users and provide an exceptional user experience.

Just like with any other guide, the tips listed above are just a place to start. Make sure to mix and match them with your own ideas for the best results.

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Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

blog-bannerCross-platform mobile app development tools are programs which permit you to make mobile apps for multiple mobile platforms, similar to apps for android and iOS, using a similar code base.

The reason why cross-platform mobile app development tools are so practical is that there are such a lot of differing types of devices. If you would like to run your mobile app on as several App Stores as possible in order that several phones and tablets will use it, you would like the app to support multiple mobile platforms.

In different words, you may run out of potential users if your mobile app doesn’t work on their mobile devices. A hybrid mobile app development will prevent from having to program a similar mobile app in several languages and in several programs for making mobile apps.

  1. PhoneGap
  2. Appcelerator
  3. React Native
  4. Sencha Ext JS
  5. RhoMobile Suite


Numbering does not reflect the superiority or inferiority of a particular framework. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages and the selection of a framework should be done according to the requirements and needs of a project. A cross-platform mobile app development company in charge of any mobile app project must find a balance between what is available and what is required, and move in the right direction.

Read more: Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

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