Why Should Small Business Choose Cross Platform Mobile Apps?

We cannot deny the fact that we live in the 21st century where the importance of following the digital revolutions cannot be ignored. To be more specific, Smartphone revolutions are something that changed the whole story in one go. It does not affect our personal life, but the business also in a positive way.

Benefits of Hybrid Apps

If you talk about the benefits of hybrid applications, there are many, and some of the most important are mentioned below. And because of these major benefits, it has become to have hybrid mobile applications for businesses.

  • Unified development
  • Rapid deployment
  • Low-level access
  • Offline support
  • Scaling

Before diving into the depths, you need to know what the hybrid application really is and how it is beneficial for small businesses.

Cross-Platform-Mobile app development

In simple terms, this is an ideal fusion of native and Web applications. Saying that it would not be wrong that it has become the most sought-after application since the hybrid application is an ideal fusion of distinct elements, approaches and technologies. The best thing is that it works effectively on multiple devices. Getting the hybrid mobile app means that you are establishing the right way to get in touch with the desired customers. That’s why many companies are looking for the best platform to get the best hybrid mobile application development service. Native applications are created for a specific platform and are only installed on a computer device. While the web application is multi-platform, it is not locally installed.

There is no shortage of tools and framework for the hybrid application. Attached, we will quote the name of the prominent Seven Hybrid App Development Framework

  • Angular mobile user interface
  • Intel XDK
  • Titanium Appcelerator
  • Sencha Touch
  • Kendo UI
  • PhoneGap

Although, the hybrid application is a mobile application in which different types of mobile operating systems can run easily like iOS, Windows, Android, etc., but technically it’s very different since it works with the CSS combination, JavaScript and HTML.

There is a wide range of benefits if you use hybrid apps for businesses. Here we will mention some of the important reasons why it is essential to have Hybrid App for Business.

  • First, it’s quite profitable.
  • It comes with the availability of resources.
  • Speed ​​is another point to consider as it is faster than a mobile app.
  • It can be used even if you are offline.

When there are too many benefits that will refuse to go with this new era App. The great thing is that this hybrid app is a good choice to make to increase business profits.

In this age where everything is about technology, Hybrid Mobile Apps gives you the edge over your competitors in the industry. Saying would not be wrong that with the help of the Hybrid mobile app, you get a magic wand that gives you the shower with the power to get in touch with the desired customers. You can easily increase your profits by informing them of your goods and services without getting caught in a problem.

If you need any assistance related to hybrid app development or cross-platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing a feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

blog-bannerCross-platform mobile app development tools are programs which permit you to make mobile apps for multiple mobile platforms, similar to apps for android and iOS, using a similar code base.

The reason why cross-platform mobile app development tools are so practical is that there are such a lot of differing types of devices. If you would like to run your mobile app on as several App Stores as possible in order that several phones and tablets will use it, you would like the app to support multiple mobile platforms.

In different words, you may run out of potential users if your mobile app doesn’t work on their mobile devices. A hybrid mobile app development will prevent from having to program a similar mobile app in several languages and in several programs for making mobile apps.

  1. PhoneGap
  2. Appcelerator
  3. React Native
  4. Sencha Ext JS
  5. RhoMobile Suite


Numbering does not reflect the superiority or inferiority of a particular framework. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages and the selection of a framework should be done according to the requirements and needs of a project. A cross-platform mobile app development company in charge of any mobile app project must find a balance between what is available and what is required, and move in the right direction.

Read more: Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

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Why should small businesses choose Hybrid Mobile App?

Hybrid mobile app development is on rising these days due to many benefits it offers to the customers. These apps can be installed on different devices. You can easily find these apps on different app stores. With these apps, users can play games, engage with their friends on social media, take pictures, track your health, and much more.

Like web applications on the Internet, hybrid mobile apps are built with a combination of web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The main difference is that hybrid mobile applications are hosted in a native mobile application that uses the WebView of a mobile platform. (You can think of the WebView as a chrome-free browser window typically set to work in full-screen mode.)

This allows them to access device features such as an accelerometer, camera, contacts, and more. These features are often limited to access from mobile browsers. In addition, hybrid mobile applications can include native user interface elements in situations where this is needed, as evidenced by Basecamp’s approach to hybrid mobile application development.

Hybrid application development

It is difficult to tell how a mobile application is built. Hybrid mobile applications are no different. A well-written hybrid application should not look or behave differently than its native counterpart. More importantly, users do not care anyway. They just want an application that works well. Trying to know if a mobile app is hybrid or native is like trying to differentiate rare grape varieties from wine.

Unless you are a sommelier or someone who really cares, it’s not very important. What matters is that the wine tastes good. The same can be said for hybrid mobile applications; As long as the application does what it is supposed to do, who really cares about how it was built? This point is emphasized through an experiment we conducted where we wanted to see if people could tell the difference between a native application and a hybrid application:

How are Hybrid Mobile Apps Developed?

Hybrid mobile applications are built in the same way as websites. Both use a combination of technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, instead of targeting a mobile browser, hybrid apps target a WebView hosted in a native container. This allows them to do things like accessing the hardware capabilities of the mobile device.

lf from these major dependencies across platforms like NativeScript and React Native. They use a similar approach to hybrid mobile application development in that they provide a bridge to use web technologies to create mobile applications. However, they differ significantly in the artifacts they generate. Technologies like NativeScript and React Native are really native; there is no WebView to display the content.

Do you Want to Distribute Your App Through the App Stores?

If you wish to distribute your application through an application store, you must create a hybrid or native application. You can not distribute websites through the app stores. That’s what the address bar of your browser is for! Despite this restriction, whether you’re building a hybrid or native application, it’s highly recommended to have a website available for your mobile application. This will be the first place your users expect to go if / when they encounter problems.

Are you Looking to Use the Capabilities of the Mobile Device?

Web apps have a limited set of capabilities as opposed to hybrid and native applications. These restrictions are enforced by the browser, which avoids the sandbox on the mobile operating system. Recent developments with mobile browsers have exposed more device features across HTML5, such as camera, geolocation, and others.

Inspite of these advances, support for advanced features is quite limited. For example, media capture and streaming are still not supported in different mobile browsers. Because such limitations remain in mobile browsers, many developers are forced to rate hybrids and natives as alternatives. Both offer developers the ability to access device APIs. In the case of hybrids, this feature is supported by plug-ins.

It’s often argued that native is best suited for applications where graphics performance is paramount. Mobile games are a class of mobile applications that depend almost entirely on complex visual interactions on the screen. Even if a game works perfectly from a functional point of view, you should expect it to have a very low application store rating if it feels uncomfortable. For this reason, developers have long disputed the use of the hybrid as an approach to building games.

Often said, a number of solutions for hybrid mobile applications exist. These include HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, both well suited for creating applications such as games. In addition, technologies like these are more accessible to developers through libraries like Paper.js, EaselJS and others. And it’s not just for game development. For developers who develop more traditional business applications, many frameworks are available.

What are the Technical Capabilities of Your Development Team?

Another factor to consider when evaluating your mobile app development options is the technical capabilities of your team. If you decide to create a native application, you will need experienced developers with the SDK platforms and programming languages of all the platforms you want to target. On the other hand, web and hybrid applications are built using web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can have a team that can target multiple platforms with a single set of technologies. This is something that deserves to be considered when evaluating your opinions.

Does the Hybrid Mobile App Development approach really live up to its promises?

Finally, it is important to recognize that the hybrid is not the approach at all for the development of mobile applications. In fact, with hybrid, you can find yourself targeting the features of a mobile platform only to discover that they are inaccessible because the plugins are outdated, unreliable or, worse, completely absent. In this scenario, you are faced with the dilemma of deleting an application feature or writing the plug-in.

If you are developing a mobile application that requires many native features or an application whose performance is critical to the success of the application, you can find the limitation of the hybrid development model. In this situation, you would be forced to use native development technologies. However, there are now alternative approaches that allow you to create powerful native applications without learning the ins and outs of tools such as Xcode and Android Studio.

For example, the JavaScript-based NativeScript framework lets you create iOS and Android applications that give up WebView for improved performance. NativeScript also provides 100% access to the iOS and Android APIs, eliminating the need for plug-ins that can be limiting when developing hybrid applications. That said, NativeScript is also not the final approach to developing native applications. Although Native Script’s approach to application development is more powerful, this power comes with a higher learning curve because with NativeScript, you no longer use HTML to build your user interfaces. However, NativeScript is a serious option to consider if you are building an application with non-trivial performance requirements.


The thing to remember about mobile application development, in general, is that it’s not a single approach; rather, it’s a spectrum of options from the web to the native. Determining if this is the right choice for you requires evaluating the options presented in this article.

If you have any query related to mobile app development services, you can contact us. We are a leading app development company based in India and USA and always strive to provide our esteemed customers best-in-domain solutions as per their specific requirements. Since our establishment, we have won many laurels and appreciations owing to our quality assured services, transparent dealings and affordable pricing policies. So, request a free quote today.

Why should you choose cross-platform mobile apps for small business?

We can not deny the fact that we live in the 21st century where the importance of following the digital revolutions cannot be ignored. To be more specific, Smartphone revolutions are something that changed the whole story in one go. It does not affect our personal life, but business also in a positive way.

Cross-Platform mobile apps

Benefits of Hybrid Apps

If you talk about the benefits of hybrid applications, there are many, and some of the most important are mentioned below. And because of these major benefits, it has become to have hybrid mobile applications for businesses.

  • Unified development
  • Rapid deployment
  • Low level access
  • Offline support
  • Scaling

Before diving into the depths, you need to know what the hybrid application really is and how it is beneficial for small businesses.

In simple terms, this is an ideal fusion of native and Web applications. Saying that it would not be wrong that it has become the most sought-after application since the hybrid application is an ideal fusion of distinct elements, approaches and technologies. The best thing is that it works effectively on multiple devices. Getting the hybrid mobile app means that you are establishing the right way to get in touch with the desired customers. That’s why many companies are looking for the best platform to get the best hybrid mobile application development service. Native applications are created for a specific platform and are only installed on a computer device. While the web application is multi-platform, it is not locally installed.
There is no shortage of tools and framework for the hybrid application. Attached, we will quote the name of the prominent Seven Hybrid App Development Framework

  • Angular mobile user interface
  • Intel XDK
  • Titanium Appcelerator
  • Sencha Touch
  • Kendo UI
  • PhoneGap

Although, the hybrid application is a mobile application in which different types of mobile operating systems can run easily like iOS, Windows, Android, etc., but technically it’s very different since it works with the CSS combination , JavaScript and HTML.

There is a wide range of benefits if you use hybrid apps for businesses. Here we will mention some of the important reasons why it is essential to have Hybrid App for Business.

-First, it’s quite profitable.

-It comes with the availability of resources.

-Speed ​​is another point to consider as it is faster than a mobile app.

-It can be used even if you are offline.

When there are too many benefits that will refuse to go with this new era App. The great thing is that this hybrid app is a good choice to make to increase business profits.

In this age where everything is about technology, Hybrid Mobile Apps gives you the edge over your competitors in the industry. Saying would not be wrong that with the help of the Hybrid mobile app, you get a magic wand that gives you the shower with the power to get in touch with the desired customers. You can easily increase your profits by informing them of your goods and services without getting caught in a problem.

If you need any assistance related to hybrid app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India, UAE & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

When businesses should choose hybrid mobile app development?

It is natural that the native mobile application and the web application, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, come in a third classification of applications – the hybrid application. Hybrid mobile applications are native apps that leverage “web views” to display HTML content. Web views are native widgets that display web pages, but do not have the address bar or navigation controls that display in a normal browser.

Hybrid mobile app development

This allows developers to integrate web content into an application and seamlessly merge native elements and web content on the same screen. These hybrid mobile apps help organizations get the most out of Web applications and native applications. With hybrid mobile apps, the question is not web or native, but rather when and how to use them.

Although Web and native application classifications are binary, the hybrid mobile application is much broader. It is quite possible – and quite common – to develop an almost entirely built-in application from HTML, CSS and Javascript, to add later native elements like static low menu for navigation, GPS calls for searching for location or access camera scanning. On the other hand, it is also possible to develop a mainly native application with only a few screens powered by web views.

With all the flexibility and benefits that the hybrid allows, companies are increasingly choosing to develop with a combination of native and web features. And Gartner predicts that by 2018, most of the mobile applications will be hybrid.

When Should Businesses Choose Hybrid Mobile App?

Companies often choose hybrid mobile apps when they want to grow on a range of devices, but also to take advantage of features that a pure Web application can not offer. Web views allow businesses to reuse code and content that runs on the browser for iOS, Android, or Windows applications. Only native elements of a hybrid app must be rewritten for each new application’s operating system, which can result in significant time and cost savings. This makes hybrid an ideal choice when multiple platforms need to be supported.

The choice to develop a hybrid app can also be dictated by content or features that require constant iteration. Web views in a hybrid app help organizations stay agile: tweak, edit, and split tests for continuous improvement. Whereas making these changes in native code could involve a long and arduous process of submitting application updates, even for smaller changes.

The skill set of employees can also be a decisive factor in choosing to develop a hybrid application. Compared to a purely native application, hybrid apps require less Objective-C and Java programming. Instead, much of the app can be developed using the front-end development talent that many companies already have in the workforce.

Finally, hybrid apps can ease backend integration issues that exist with native apps and avoid having to create APIs. Creating and supporting APIs for application development can be an unplanned cost of developing an application.

According to Trienens, Fuzz Productions application development company, “Producing an API that can support a fully native enterprise application is a much bigger expense than the application itself.” Using Webviews, a company can the web and only needs to build APIs for new features that do not exist yet. The Moovweb platform makes it easy to leverage business logic and existing content from a desktop website to a hybrid app without the need for an API.

When Should Businesses not Choose Hybrid Mobile App?

Hybrid mobile apps have many advantages of native applications, but, as noted above, native technology remains superior to high performance or low latency interactive applications on mobile devices. For now, augmented reality, 3D rendering and multimedia are often the best candidates for natives. On desktop computers, we are already seeing browsers bridging the gap with native apps and we can expect it to be the same with mobile over time.

In addition, a hybrid application can “divide the difference” by using web content for certain areas and still reserve native components for high performance features. For example, Macy’s iPhone app uses native components for its Meridian-powered in-store mapping features, but the marriage registry feature is inherited from the desktop website using the Moovweb web views and platform.

In some cases, lower native latency can yield benefits for interactive applications. For social applications at the Facebook or LinkedIn level – two companies that have used HTML5 for their applications – investing in the creation and management of distinct native applications for different operating systems can be cost-effective.

However, there are complex and controversial reasons why these companies have abandoned HTML5. More importantly, not all companies have the engineering resources to devote to pure native development and all use cases do not have the same constraints as the social win-win industry. In scenarios where more than one platform is supported, the native access cost may increase faster than the UX enhancements achieved. This is an important consideration for enterprise applications where competitive conditions are different and ROI considerations are paramount.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development using PhoneGap and Xamarin, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

Windows vs iOS vs Android: Which Platform to Choose?

Android vs iOS vs Windows mobile app development war can never end-up. The question “which platform is better to start with?” is still unanswered. Start-ups are increasing day by day but facing many challenges with new technologies. Either they don’t have the sufficient budget, resources or lacking a good knowledge of these technologies.

To overcome such challenges, I have written this blog which will give you the pros and cons of major technologies. This would help businesses to find the best platform to start with. Here, we will discuss three platforms- Android, iOS and Windows Phone. These are popular among a large number of people due to its apps reach, monetization possibilities, market competition and more.

Window vs Android vs iOS

Here is the list:
– iOS Development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of iOS apps here.


1) Less code

Apple devices involve less code to develop as compared to other two platforms. By using Swift or Objective-C language, you can easily develop your first mobile app just by writing few lines of code.

2) Better e-commerce results

iOS is definitely the best option if you want your app to be your mobile commerce tool. In fact, making an app for e-commerce makes money and which is in the hand of iOS users.

3) High app revenue

As compared to android and windows devices, Apple devices are most expensive. So, their users need to spend more money for tools and related services. In fact, selling apps is more profitable on iOS which can never change in coming time. If your target audience is based in developed countries with higher per capita income or urban areas, targeting iOS users is a good idea. You can expect them to be willing to pay for your application since they spend more on applications than Android users.

4) Fewer Bugs

It is one of the huge advantages of iOS apps. Since, less number of devices, running on iOS, use the new version of it so it is easier to develop an iOS application with as little bugs as possible. Another reason for fewer bugs is the strict development guidelines. However, writing less code in order to develop your app brings the less possible amount of bugs.

5) Better developing tools

Apple provides its app developers with better tools. It is because they timely bring new upgrades to their tools and which is also free. For many developers, Apple’s emulators are faster, tools are firmer and commitment to developers is way bigger.

6) Dedicated user base

If we talk about iOS users then they are very dedicated ones and more engaged ones. This is because they don’t install apps just to test them and switch to another but they carefully choose their valuable apps and stay with them for long period. It all depends upon on the user’s needs, unique user experience and especially great design of the app.


1) Market share is low.
2) Longer review process

– Android App Development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of Android apps here.


1) Higher ad revenue

In high revenue generation, Android has already overtaken the iOS and Windows. However, Android users don’t spend money on apps as compared to iOS users but there are many other ways of using which they are monetizing apps and displaying ads is one such way.

2) Fewer requirements for development

Android has fewer requirements for development as compared to iOS and Windows apps. You just only need to have a PC or Laptop with you along with good knowledge of Java programming language. You can further use Google’s IDE Android Studio in order to build amazing Android apps. However, there are many other development tools, a great thanks to Android developer’s community around the world.

3) Big market share

It is one of its biggest advantages which help in reaching the more potential customers. Due to its global reach of 82.8%, it consists of largest audience. Google is shaping up to be the biggest player in the operating system market for mobile devices, and starting its first mobile application on its platform will give it more users worldwide.

4) Faster review

It takes less time to feature an Android app to the app store due to simple guidelines and review systems of Google Play. So, it only takes two or three days to get the application installed on the Google play while it takes weeks for iOS applications.

5) Variety of devices

When it comes to Android devices, these are available with variable screen sizes and prices in the market. Due to the presence of a number of different devices, you will not be bounded to a specific group of users. In fact, a large number of different people will become able to install your mobile app.

6) Cheaper to feature apps on Google play

Android apps take less time to get featured on the Google play store. So it is faster to publish your first mobile app in the store. Along with this, it is also cheaper too. It only takes $25 to feature Android apps as compared to iOS apps which take $99 a year to feature them. It is a small budget, especially for independent app developers.


1) More potential bugs
2) Fragmentation
3) More expensive

– Windows phone development

We will discuss some major pros(in detail) and cons of Windows apps here.


1) Committed users

Windows phone users don’t complain about the app’s performance as iOS or Android users usually do. Instead, they complain about good mobile apps and WP versions of well-known ones. Addressing those users is easier for two reasons.

The first is that they are very committed and active users once they find a good application. And the second is really simple: there are fewer applications in the Windows Store, therefore, it is easier to market an application there.
Moreover, these users are more willing to download gaming apps and prefer apps under the Utilities & Tools category.

2) Multiplatform

All devices that use Microsoft software are more like a platform and the same user experience for all users which is more important than individual market shares. The tactic, Piggybacking, can be a good reason to develop the Windows Phone or Windows application.

3) Widely used in B2B industries

Today, many companies across the world are using Microsoft devices and software for their everyday work. So, if your developed application is meant for B2B industries and they use devices running on Windows or Windows Phone then it is a good sign for you to develop apps for them. SAAS is a perfect example of it as it is becoming more common among companies that deliver software compatible with PCs and mobile devices.

4) Growing market share

Windows phones are not dead yet in some countries. In countries like France, Germany, and Australia, Windows smartphones OS sales shares grew last year. However, its market share is low as compared to Android and iPhones.


1) Marginal market share

Now the question is “Which platform should be used to develop your first mobile app?”. Since Windows Phones don’t carry as much importance as iPhones and Android devices, so here we will talk about two platforms i.e. Android and iOS.

When to choose iOS platform first?

iOS is best to start with if you want to sell apps. There are some more reasons listed below:
– It carries fewer bugs.
– The target audience focussed on the design.
– The audience is mostly from developed and urban countries.
– When you want to develop faster apps.

When to choose Android platform first?

Developing Android apps first can be a good idea for the following reasons:
– When you want to broaden your user range.
– When you have good knowledge of Java.
– When you want to monetize the app displaying ads.
– When you want to reach wider demographics.

Wrapping Up:

So far, you are now become more clear about which platform to choose for building your first app. In fact, a lot of things depends on your plans such as the application’s purpose, the audience you want to reach and the problem-solving. When you become able to figure out these, the answer will surely come.

However, if you find any difficulty with mobile app development, then don’t worry anymore. We have a proficient team of mobile app developers who have successfully delivered more than 640 apps to 120+ clients across 20+ countries. We are a leading mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals. Feel free to Contact Us!

11 Important Tips to Know Before Developing a Mobile App

Do you have a great idea for developing a world-class mobile app? Great, but how are you going to build it? What are the important factors that you will consider when you go for mobile application development? These are the obvious questions you need to ask yourself before making the decision to develop a smartphone app. In addition, you should take a look at some statistics that will help you understand how fast the mobile world is growing.

Mobile Application Development


There are 4.43 billion mobile users worldwide in 2015 and this figure is expected to reach 5.07 billion by 2019.
There are nearly 1.6 million Android apps available on Google Play Store.
There are nearly 1.5 million iOS apps available in the Apple App Store.

The statistics above show that the demand for mobile phones and mobile applications is constantly increasing. But, the quality of mobile apps should not be compromised because of the increase in numbers; in fact, developers must ensure that the mobile applications they develop are useful, easy to use and most importantly wanted by users.

We highlighted the key areas that developers need to focus on before developing mobile apps. Let’s check them out:

Deep Research on Market

Before you hit the market and start developing an app, you should do a proper market research. In-depth market analysis will give you information about your competitors, their strategy, strengths and weaknesses. This information will prove useful because you will be able to avoid repeating the mistakes made by your competitors. Researchers often forget the opinions of clients. These reviews can give you an overview of user preferences and dislikes about a particular type of application. So, you need to make sure that you take note of the pain areas and try to solve it in your mobile application. This strategy can give you a chance to win customers from your competitors.


We always follow one simple formula, “If you do something, do it with 100% efficiency and accuracy, otherwise do not do it simply.” This is what users expect from every mobile application available. When we say efficiency, we also mean the efficiency of the data. Smartphone apps that overly use 3G or 4G data are more likely to be downloaded and forgotten, if you do not want your app to fall into this category, make sure your app uses data effectively and does not consume more data.

Serving Something Different

Have you ever thought why this newly opened restaurant in the city has created a buzz? Why people tend to visit new places and restaurants because they are always looking for something different and fresh. Humans tend to be easily bored with something.

The same goes for mobile apps because there are millions of apps for smartphones, mobile users want to be served with something new. Therefore, you need to create something interesting that keeps users engaged with your mobile application.

Don’t Keep the Users Waiting

Losing this channel with users while your app is loading can be fatal because users may think the app is not working properly. In addition, it adds to create a negative impression in the mind of the user, thus giving them a bad user experience.

To avoid fueling your user’s mind, you can try using the load indicators and animations to make sure the mobile app is still working, but only waiting for the phone network.  A progressive indicator is always better.

Pricing Your Mobile App Correctly

Pricing is one of the most difficult but crucial tasks that should not be ignored. The price of your mobile application is very important. Determining the price of an article that involves products is easy, but choosing a price for a mobile application is difficult. There are a number of factors that a developer must consider before determining the correct price of the application.

Knowing Your Target Audience

Defining your target audience is very important because the audience has a huge impact on the mobile application development. All these questions such as who will use this application, and how will he help them, will have an answer well in advance. If you meet the expectations of your users, your smartphone app will probably gain popularity.

Becoming a Master of One Platform

One of the most important questions you need to answer before developing your mobile application is: How many platforms do you want to launch? If you go with our suggestion, we recommend you to become the master of a platform first, then launch your mobile application on multiple platforms.

Focusing on Marketing Strategy

Creating this buzz before launch is really important to get an overwhelming response at launch. You need to make sure that you start marketing your mobile application when it’s convenient. Most mobile application developers or companies fail to execute the marketing plan effectively. Logically, developers should launch the app marketing at least 2 to 3 weeks before the launch to inform users.

Testing App Before it Hits the Market

It is important to test your mobile application before launching it on the market. You should have prior experience of how users will see your application. Your application must be creative, easy to understand and perform. Testing it before launch will allow you to smooth out every nook and cranny before it reaches the mass market.

After a successful alpha test, you can recruit beta testers to start the second phase of testing. Learn as much as you can with beta testers and try to improvise everything you can according to the observations. There are many application testing tools available on the market that you can use to organize beta testing.

Emphasis on Description

For someone who is viewing your mobile app for the first time on Google Play or the iTunes App Store, the description plays an important role. Someone who is not aware of what this application is about will make the choice to download this application only by reading the description.

Google Play Store / Apple App Store usually only displays two or three lines of the description. Users should click Read more to read the full description. It is therefore important to make the first two or three lines sufficiently catchy to convert users of your application into potential customers.

Knowing Your Budget in Advance

All the steps included in the mobile application development involve money. Knowing your budget and assigning it correctly at each stage of application development is essential. I recommend that you name someone who can keep an eye on the cost to make sure your budget stays the same until the end as it was at the beginning.

There is no success pill of everything you do in this world, but these tips can certainly help you if you plan to develop your mobile application and want it to last a long time.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.

5 iOS App Development Trends to Follow in 2018

The duopoly of mobile operating systems is pretty transparent. With more than 46.68 million iPhones shipped worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2017, Apple is the second largest smartphone provider in the world.

Keeping these numbers aside, there are a few logical reasons for naming the iOS app for businesses as well. However, in addition to building an application for popular operating systems and devices, it’s important to make sure they stand out. This can be made possible by adopting the right techniques to involve users (technology, design and unique features) that, as a result, convert.

iOS app development in India

Considering the iOS app development requirements we receive all year, Apple’s announcements and launches at WWDC 2017, and the new type of apps that become viral, we have accumulated a list of trends that will be followed in 2018.

  • iPad App Development Will Get More Attention
  • In the fourth quarter of 2017, iPad sales generated more than $ 4.83 billion in revenue.
  • In January 2017, the Apple App Store contains more than 2.2 million iOS apps, of which 1 million are native to iPad.

These are just a few of the many facts that estimate the growing demand for iPads and compatible apps for that. The year 2018 is aligned to have more calls for the development of iPad applications for businesses.

  • Cross Platform/ Native App Development

Businesses understand that it’s hard to choose between developing Android and iOS apps. From startups to Fortune 500, companies rely on cross-platform application development.

“Multi-platform mobile app development tools will continue to drive growth in developer tool markets,” said Al Hilwa, Program Manager for Application Development Software at IDC.

Cross-platform native application development platforms such as React Native, Xamarin triumph native and hybrid applications in terms of performance, cost and user interface / UX. That’s why we could see a number of enterprise applications built for cross platforms in 2018 and forward.

  • AR(Augmented Reality) Apps with Toolkit

Apple introduces ARKit for developers, which is a framework for creating AR experiences for iPad and iPhone. Apple’s Augmented Reality framework allows applications to interact with the real world in a number of ways. While the Toolkit will be compatible with iOS 11 and later, there is a plethora of AR SDKs for developers that can increase the user experience by taking applications beyond the screen.

In addition, with the launch of iOS 11, the new update of the app store got a winning answer. Application categorization allowed users to easily discover an application of their choice. And the “Start with AR” section will allow users to easily filter AR applications from the millions of apps in the store.

  • More Intelligent with Core ML

With incredible Machine Learning models, Core ML will allow developers to create smart apps with just a few lines of code. ML models include some amazing features like barcode detection, face detection, object tracking, face tracking, and more. Apple’s Machine Learning framework supports iOS 11 and, for the rest of the editions, developers can choose from some third-party machine learning frameworks. The following year, we could see more smart apps that were coming into the app store, thanks to the many frameworks available to help developers.

  • More Apps to Work with WatchOS

Apple launched the latest version of WatchOS 4 in September 2017, which promises to make apps faster and more responsive than ever before. In addition, the new WatchOS makes it possible to run more applications in the background, other than training or health applications. Applications related to navigation, tour guides, public transportation, etc. can be developed and integrated. As a result, the coming year could see more apps that may have built-in features with Apple Watch.


iOS 11 has a lot to discover for developers and users in 2018. With the new iOS offer, companies can invest more in applications for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch). To stay ahead in the competition arena, it’s time to start developing iOS apps with the latest trends.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading iOS app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.

Best Practices for Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Given the current mobile device market, customers need high quality applications on the three main platforms: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. However, designing and building applications on these platforms can lead to myriad challenges, including the need to reconcile the unique native languages ​​of each platform while creating an elegant and consistent user experience.

Here are some key lessons learned from the Mobile Client Work for SkyDrive, Microsoft’s Personal Cloud Storage Service, and best practices for anyone who wants to build powerful mobile apps across all platforms.

  • Selecting Development Technologies

Multi-Platform Mobile apps

One of the biggest challenges in developing cross-platform mobile applications is that each mobile platform has a language and an SDK, or a software development kit. Windows Phone has C# with .Net, iOS has Objective C with Cocoa and Android has Java with ADK. There are also solutions for code sharing. HTML5 can be run on all three platforms, just like code written in C++.

We found that the use of native language and SDK on each platform had significant benefits in terms of support for all platform features, ease of development, and high performance. It also provides the fastest access to new features in the new versions of the operating system and SDKs. For the best experience, the benefits of the native platform are paramount.

HTML5 offers the ability to update the functionality of the application by updating a web server from which the HTML is downloaded, which could be a good solution for some applications. C++ could also be a good solution for some common multi-platform modules.

However, access to platform features and user interface writing would be more difficult in both cases. You may need to combine these options with native SDKs to use some of the unique features of the platform.

  • Defining User Experience

In some cases, the desired application functionality may be the same for each platform. But customers in each platform expect the style to be similar to the other apps they use. A good motto here is “the personality of the application, the appearance of the platform”.

With the personality of the application, customers can feel the unique values ​​provided by your applications. Applications on different platforms can have a lot in common to identify, such as themes, features, and similar color flows for the user’s actions. Even if a client changes their platform, they should still be able to use the application with little or no scalability.

With the appearance of the platform, customer interactions will be similar to those of other platform applications, and customers can immediately use the application. For example, the command icons will be in the same place on the screen as other applications on the same device.

  • Developing Rapidly and Using the Application

In the mobile space, competition is fierce and customers expect regular updates. Traditional product development processes with long planning, development and testing phases can take months or even years.

A better approach is to adopt a quick release cycle process. Each release cycle should contain a set of smaller features that can be developed in a few weeks or less. Each launch cycle can be a set of logically complete functions that could be released if desired.

While stabilizing the code, some team members can start planning the next release cycle. In this way, publishing cycles can continue to run and customers can enjoy the updates they expect.

To facilitate development and maintenance, applications must have similar designs for non-platform-specific logic, such as business logic and the common infrastructure for managing the user’s actions. Developer expertise can be exploited if the same developer has functionality across multiple platforms.

A key to providing quality in this environment is feedback from customers. Real customers will use the applications in a way that can not be easily recreated in the lab. They will experience a wide variety of network characteristics and will use their own data. In addition, they will use the app on a wide variety of devices.

The best way to achieve quality in these situations is to put the applications in the hands of as many people as possible before releasing them. A dog food program reaching a business group, social group, friends or potential customers adds a lot of value and also helps to build enthusiasm for the application. The application should provide an easy mechanism for first users to report problems; a single support for reporting problems greatly improves the chances of getting more feedback.

Keys for Success

If the steps mentioned above are followed, you are in an excellent position to offer a high quality multi-platform application. Here are some additional considerations that will greatly increase your chances of success.

Providing Amazing User Experience

With small screen sizes, it can be difficult for a client to see all the data and find all the necessary commands; the application must facilitate navigation. Most of the screen space should be devoted to displaying the data the customer wants to see, and the commands, status, etc. the most important ones should appear on the screen.

All less commonly used items can be moved to menus or other dialogs. Always ask, “How can customers finish an operation?” Fewer taps make customers more likely to use a feature.

Tuning Application for High Performance

This is essential in an environment where the client usually monitors the application as it is running, and the hardware and network may be slow. Response time and CPU-memory-network consumption are the key areas that should be examined.

To improve response time, move all tedious operations in the background to release the UI thread for user interactions. When viewing a large list, load the data one page at a time from the network to reduce the waiting time for users. Caching downloaded resources from your servers significantly reduces network consumption and significantly reduces response time.

When the underlying data changes, you must only update the UI elements affected by the changes. Limiting memory space reduces the chances that the operating system will remove the application from memory while it is in the background. When users return to the application, they start faster.

It is best to frequently run monitoring tools on the application to find and resolve CPU, memory, and network consumption issues.

Interaction with Other Applications

With hundreds of thousands of applications in the App Store, mobile customers can do many different things on mobile devices: send SMS, receive / send emails, social networks, browse content and even edit documents . They expect their applications to work together, and activating the interaction will result in the use of your application.

Monitoring Customer Feedback

One of the great things about mobile apps is the speed with which reviews become available in product reviews and blogs. These comments allow mobile app developers to quickly address urgent issues and provide a source of ideas for future improvements.

If you need any assistance related to mobile app development or cross platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

Top 10 Loyalty And Customer Retention Techniques For Mobile Apps

In this digital era, brand loyalty among internet users inevitably becomes scarce as the high discounts and innumerable offers catch attention of maximum users than a shooting star. Moreover, competitive prices abound due to the presence of a large number of choices which actually exceeds the number of consumers.

An app’s success or failure undeniably lies in the hands of its customers in spite of how much you have given on the app’s genre and quality. It is the customer only who decides whether your app can stand in the market or not.

In fact, customers satisfaction is the topmost goal of any business and also the backbone of successful companies in the world. The mantra is “A happy consumer is a loyal consumer and a loyal consumer purchase repeatedly from you”. As a result, it acts as your very own invaluable brand ambassador.

However, in this competitive digital world, app developers find it difficult and complex to attract a large number of users. The acquisition of users has become an extremely expensive issue, and as if finding users is no longer difficult enough, retaining these clients is another issue to which attention should be paid. So, where do you go to get a loyal customer? Well, look no further, and move on to your application itself!

Today, many mobile applications and various web compliant websites consist a powerful way of monitoring and rewarding loyal customers. People are nowadays completely relying on mobile apps for shopping and increasingly turning to their smartphones for buy everything whether it’s to plan a holiday trip, buy property, buy groceries etc.

Mobile app development

In this scenario, Customer retention becomes the ultimate goal of any growing business. Thus, mobile applications not only allow customers to access information and services but also provide a convenient means for these brands to continue interacting with customers even after their purchases, one of the most useful ways for companies to generate loyalty and a positive relationship with customers. Having said that, mobile applications can offer retention, satisfaction, and customer loyalty only if they meet certain requirements.

In this blog, we have listed out some of these tips for mobile apps. Nowadays, many top Android app design & development companies in India and US are using these tips to rule in the online world. Here is the list:

1) Bring passion to users

An enthusiastic and a passionate user acts as a catalyst for the growth of your company, as well as for customer retention. You can offer rewards for spreading the news of your application and invite friends to download it on their smartphones. This will create excitement about your product and you will also get more users.

2) Easily accessible

Consumers always like the ease of use and accessibility. When customers make a purchase through an application, the simple fact that they can do this easily and without problems keeps them committed to their brand. In addition, previously stored payment details and other user information act as a great incentive in terms of customer loyalty and retention.

3) Support

If you help your customer at any time and encourage your customers to interact with your business 24×7 then it not only helps in improving the customer engagement but also offers an unprecedented opportunity which further enhances loyalty and customer retention.

The creation of in-app feedback forms integrated into the application provides an exceptional opportunity for brands to obtain valuable feedback from customers about their application, with the help of which they can detect the services that need improvement. This helps keep your clients locked up while capturing new ones. Truly, a win-win scenario for both the client and the company.

4) Give rewards to loyal customers

Mobile applications can be an excellent way to make the customer experience easy, versatile and easy to use. This allows a customer-centric application to become the perfect tool for customer loyalty and can really help companies to make an extra effort in customer retention by encouraging customers to perform certain actions that give them a special benefit, as a special access to your new collection, a discount on your next purchase, or maybe even a coupon to redeem on other services. In fact, retaining customers is as important as attracting new customers.

5) Social media impact

For increasing user retention, it is the customer relationships which are responsible. It is good if you develop an app and it highly attracts many users but it is more likely to keep your users hooked if you develop strong relationships with your customers that go beyond the application itself. Social media connectivity can help with this. It is a good way to stay in touch with your friends, family across the globe. In fact, it can do wonders when it about customer retention for your App.

Social networks can be used effectively to build your brand. Also, reward the audience for their participation in social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter conversations, and see how their applications acquire a life of their own, what their customers can enjoy. Do not just create an application, but aim to create a wider application community.

6) Give space to customers

It is important to build personality into your app since on one side, there are polite application notifications and on the other side, there is unabashed spamming. However, spamming is not a good thing, so don’t spam people. Offer your customers the opportunity to opt for notifications, instead of simply assuming that everyone wants to hear from you.

Schedule an appropriate schedule to remind customers to return to your application if they stay away too long. Also, experiment with different styles of notifications, but always keep them short, easy to read and catchy, with a clear message, like “We miss you! Do not forget to check out our new features” or “Play our new level”.  Remember, you are Building a brand, and not just a product, and as important as getting customers back, is also essential to maintaining quality and standard of your application.

7) Keep the app always updated

There may be chances that customers might download your app based on a friend’s recommendation, an advertisement, and an app search. And once, your customers download the app, it becomes important for you to make regular updates about new features or other compelling content in order to hold your customer’s interest in the app and which makes people will go and using your app.

Another important aspect which needs to keep in mind is the timing of the updates. If you publish content too often, people can devalue your application and even stop paying attention to it completely. On the other hand, if you wait too long to launch content, people may get bored and even eliminate your application! Therefore, always remember to strike to achieve the right balance between time and relevant content to achieve customer loyalty and retention.

8) Accept the app’s mistakes

It doesn’t matter how much efforts you have put to make an app more likable, there will always be some complaints from customers. Therefore, instead of being in denial and providing excuses, it is important to acknowledge your error and work on the design flaws of your application. Once customer complaints have been addressed, customer loyalty and retention will follow.

9) Geolocators

This feature if, however, employed within the app helps its customers to take advantage of various specials offers whenever they are in or a nearby location of the store. The user of the application would be notified about a sale or even a loyalty bonus for being a regular and loyal customer. This strategy works incredibly well for retailers, as well as for food outlets, as it gives way to a strong union of consumers and retention and loyalty of customers.

10) Utilize game dynamics

It is important to give your customers a strong reason to come back to your application after using it once. It is the best keep your app more addictive and preventing it from getting ignored. So it is better to design a game by using game dynamics in order to keep the novelty from wearing off instead of those games which are designed just for fun and for only a short span of time.

The most effective way to keep them engaged with the game is to reward your customers on regular basis and deploy game challenges too with new levels of interaction that stimulate their brain. One of the most recognized types of game dynamics is the use of badges on Foursquare, where people get a reward for completing an action.

Other dynamics of the game can include the creation of a function that forces its clients to take a measure or make a decision within a certain time frame, in order to avoid receiving a penalty or punishment. This can be a fun way to establish customer retention.


So far we have seen some of the customer retention and loyalty techniques for mobile apps. In fact, it has become a common norm for such businesses to have these mobile applications if they want to reach out people at massive scale. Moreover, you need to opt for latest technology trends if you want your business to stay ahead of competitors.

However, if your business is facing any difficulty with mobile app development, then you can contact us. We have a proficient team of iOS/Android mobile app developers in India who have successfully delivered 640+ projects to more than 100 clients across 20+ countries. Contact us today!  

visit our website: www.appzure.com