Why Should Small Business Choose Cross Platform Mobile Apps?

We cannot deny the fact that we live in the 21st century where the importance of following the digital revolutions cannot be ignored. To be more specific, Smartphone revolutions are something that changed the whole story in one go. It does not affect our personal life, but the business also in a positive way.

Benefits of Hybrid Apps

If you talk about the benefits of hybrid applications, there are many, and some of the most important are mentioned below. And because of these major benefits, it has become to have hybrid mobile applications for businesses.

  • Unified development
  • Rapid deployment
  • Low-level access
  • Offline support
  • Scaling

Before diving into the depths, you need to know what the hybrid application really is and how it is beneficial for small businesses.

Cross-Platform-Mobile app development

In simple terms, this is an ideal fusion of native and Web applications. Saying that it would not be wrong that it has become the most sought-after application since the hybrid application is an ideal fusion of distinct elements, approaches and technologies. The best thing is that it works effectively on multiple devices. Getting the hybrid mobile app means that you are establishing the right way to get in touch with the desired customers. That’s why many companies are looking for the best platform to get the best hybrid mobile application development service. Native applications are created for a specific platform and are only installed on a computer device. While the web application is multi-platform, it is not locally installed.

There is no shortage of tools and framework for the hybrid application. Attached, we will quote the name of the prominent Seven Hybrid App Development Framework

  • Angular mobile user interface
  • Intel XDK
  • Titanium Appcelerator
  • Sencha Touch
  • Kendo UI
  • PhoneGap

Although, the hybrid application is a mobile application in which different types of mobile operating systems can run easily like iOS, Windows, Android, etc., but technically it’s very different since it works with the CSS combination, JavaScript and HTML.

There is a wide range of benefits if you use hybrid apps for businesses. Here we will mention some of the important reasons why it is essential to have Hybrid App for Business.

  • First, it’s quite profitable.
  • It comes with the availability of resources.
  • Speed ​​is another point to consider as it is faster than a mobile app.
  • It can be used even if you are offline.

When there are too many benefits that will refuse to go with this new era App. The great thing is that this hybrid app is a good choice to make to increase business profits.

In this age where everything is about technology, Hybrid Mobile Apps gives you the edge over your competitors in the industry. Saying would not be wrong that with the help of the Hybrid mobile app, you get a magic wand that gives you the shower with the power to get in touch with the desired customers. You can easily increase your profits by informing them of your goods and services without getting caught in a problem.

If you need any assistance related to hybrid app development or cross-platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading web and mobile app development company in India & USA engaged in providing a feature packed, secure and scalable web and mobile apps across all business verticals.

How Custom App Development Helping Your Business?

The mobile application for any business or company is no longer a requirement but has become a necessity. All customers use mobile applications, which have created a large market for the field of custom mobile application developers all around the world. The statistical reports say that since 2015 more than 85% of companies use them to develop their business.

According to the recent CDW survey, today’s businesses rely more on custom applications to help with day-to-day operations and procedures, including; sales support, data access, communications, service support, commercial process, productivity, collaboration and presentation.

Custom applications help create extraordinary value for companies, as they are specifically geared to unique needs and are adapted according to a specific company profile and work mandate. Have a look at some advantages of custom mobile app development:

Improve Efficiency

Unlike other applications, these applications are completely focused on the business. It is made to keep your business in mind, keeping in mind the benefits associated with your business, which improves the efficiency of your business by 46%. These applications are developed completely considering your business. Therefore, it is friendly to employees and helps employees produce the best production that in turn improves the efficiency of their business. Instead of using multiple applications for your business promotion, this custom application helps you build your entire business and promote it collectively.

Therefore, it becomes an easy task to manage and manage that increases the efficiency of your business. Therefore, the use of applications for your business is recommended, since it is the best business tool that will help you grow and expand your business with maximum efficiency and the least work load.

Increase productivity

Now, once you make your business efficient, what is the next thing you want? Yes, it is the productivity of your business. And you’ll be happy to know that the custom mobile application increases your business productivity by 41%. It promises productive growth for your business. By using these applications, you can also increase the productivity of your product efficiently.

Statistics say that 74 percent of customers saw an increase in productivity thanks to the implementation of their custom application, and 81 percent reported a reduction in inefficient tasks. And what’s more, 60 percent of customers saw a return on investment for their applications. He is a great figure that forces him and attracts him towards the use of personalized mobile applications. And, therefore, you should definitely do it and make your business more productive than ever.


What will you do if someone gets the code from your normal application and gets all your important data related to your business? It was a mom, right! But do not worry, since the custom mobile application also promises to solve this problem of yours. A customized mobile application is fully developed and designed for your business and, therefore, great importance is attached to security. Any information that is associated with your custom application is completely secure and is protected from unauthorized access.

These applications offer some of the best techniques to protect your important and private business data. You can guarantee this security in the way you want taking into account the requirements of your company. With this application, you can even decide different levels of security according to the user. For example, you may have different access permissions for your client, general employee, important employee and you as well. Therefore, custom applications provide you with excellent security features that promise to keep your data safe and secure.

It offers mobility

Any mobile application is simply useless if it does not offer great mobility. As the name itself suggests that mobility is something that must be done, much can be achieved through custom mobile applications. Totally focused on your business, providing data related to your business, this application provides an increase in mobility of 39%. You can not win the hearts of your customers if your mobile application is not remote and mobile.

This mobile application also solves this problem and offers great mobility and the ability to work remotely. Therefore, now is the time to make your business more mobile and achieve the remote access you want. Start with custom applications and win the hearts of your customers with many features offered.

Cost savings

It is said that a business is successful only if it saves costs and provides the required benefit. Save your cost by 29%, which means that all of your company’s products will save an additional 29%. It sounds like a dream come true, right? In this way, you can increase the profits of your business through your custom application. Made by you, developed by you and made for your business, this application saves you the costs.

You also find that by using the custom application, you save the number of employees that work for you, which means that you can achieve the same effective work with less labor cost. By developing your own custom commercial mobile application, you can enjoy your total control and you do not need to depend on others at all, which will also save your developer the cost of maintenance. Therefore, you can save your cost and increase your profits through custom mobile applications, so it is a good way of expanding the business.

Collaboration of employees

As the personalized mobile application is based exclusively on business, it is extremely easy for your employees to understand it. With the ease-of-use feature, it adds a feature of ease for the employee that increases employee collaboration and increases it by 28%. This means that for each employee you will get an increase in work by 28%, and seeing this figure, you can imagine how much growth your company will experience with this collaboration. You get maximum performance, with an increase of the entrance through a custom application that gives you another reason to use it.

Customer satisfaction

All your business growth and application development can be in vain if your customers are not satisfied. The customized mobile application also makes your customer satisfy and increases customer satisfaction by 27%. This means that each of your customers will be 27% more satisfied, which means that in every four customers you will get a new one. An extremely impressive figure is not that.

Customized business applications allow you to send customized updates related to your products and services to your existing customers in real time and help you access customer details and receive comments, which helps you improve your mobile application and business as needed of your customers. .

Communication with the customer

A client really feels very happy and promotes his business for free if he is communicating with him/her correctly. Adding simple forms and surveys can help you get the required customer information. Increase the communication efficiency of the client by 27%. Customized mobile applications allow you to communicate freely with your customers and solve your problem. And, once your clients’ problems are solved quickly, you can make them feel happy, which will promote your business, and even you know that users listen to customers review more than anyone, so try to do it.

Competitive advantages

In addition to the factors mentioned above, the other thing that helps you develop your business is your position in the market. It is extremely important that you remain in the market and maintain a competitive approach.

These applications also provide this benefit and give you competitive advantages by 25% more. This means that your chances of winning a competition and achieving a good position in the market increase 25% more than the current ones. And all this helps them stay between different businesses.

Source: www.appzure.com

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Google releases All New “Android P” Beta Version

Now the wait is over, Google has unleashed the third beta of its latest mobile operating system Android P, which is supposed to be a “near-final” look at the operating system before it’s completed later this summer. VP of engineering for Android, Dave Burke calls the latest beta version an “early release candidate build” that “takes us very close to what you’ll see in the final version of Android P.”

Android P update

It’s not clear that this beta includes any new features— Burke only lists bug fixes and optimizations. The bigger deal here is really for developers, since system behaviors and APIs are supposed to be in a close to final state, so they can start to test apps and rely on how they’ll work.

This release will help developers test their apps in the nearly completed version of Android P to detect bugs and avoid problems when it is actually released.

Also, since all the developer APIs were completed in the previous update, developers now have a more complete picture of changes in Android P and all the tools to test how their apps will handle new stability-enhancing restrictions the OS will bring.

Burke describes it as an “early release candidate build of Android with near-final system behaviors and the official Android P APIs (API level 28)”.

Preview 4 and Preview 5, due out over the next few weeks, will be official release candidates for further testing and final testing before Android P’s release.

Similar to iOS 12’s Screen Time for countering unintended iPhone overuse, Android P will introduce a dashboard to help users understand their usage patterns and how much time they’re spending with each app.

There are also user interface changes, new navigation techniques, an Adaptive Battery power management system, and support for full-screen devices with a notch or cut-out.

This update doesn’t appear to introduce any major new features but rather has superficial tweaks, according to XDA-Developers’ rundown of changes.

The Android P rollout will also be a good chance to see the impact, one year on, from Project Treble, which was aimed at delivering new versions of Android faster.

Project Treble should be most noticeable on devices that shipped with Android Oreo and has already helped expand the number of devices eligible to join the Android P beta, such as the OnePlus 6, Nokia 7 plus, and some Vivo models.

Burke also flagged an upcoming developer Reddit Ask Me Anything session where the Android engineering team will answer technical questions about Android P. This will be hosted on July 19 from 11.30am to 1pm PT.

How to install the Android P beta today?

And while it’s generally not a great idea to test beta operating systems on your main device, if you’ve been thinking about it, this is when it should start to be a safer bet. While Google isn’t promising a complete absence of bugs in this build, the fact that we’re looking at an early release candidate suggests most of the major changes and optimizations should be in place. That said, Google still has a month or two to go before final release, so there’s likely still improvements to come.

One thing we’ll be looking for in the new beta: whether Android’s digital wellbeing features have arrived. They didn’t make an appearance in earlier betas, despite being one of P’s highest-profile features. And they’re not mentioned in the blog post; so it’s possible this is something that’ll be pushed until an update later in the year, like alongside the next round of Pixel devices.

Burke also announced that the Android engineering team will host a Reddit AMA later this month, on July 19th, to answer “technical questions” about the new OS.

Android P New Features

One of the best features of Android is its notification system. It uses the best ideas from companies that originally got it right, like Palm and Nokia, then blends them into a display of information and rich content that we have all come to rely on. Because the notification system is very important for a handheld device that’s supposed to keep you in touch with the world around you, it’s also constantly being improved. Android P will be no exception.

Android notifications improve every year. Here’s what happened with Android Oreo

A New Look

Your notifications can (and often do) look very different depending on which company made your phone. That’s also part of Android’s notifications — they are customizable by the developers that built Android itself, as well as app developers that know best what notifications their apps should generate. Phones from manufacturers that tend to follow Google’s lead, like Motorola and Sony, things will be softer, rounder, and more colorful with Android P.

Gone are things like grey lines to act as separators, and instead your status bar — which also has a new look to accommodate display notches — won’t become part of the shade when it’s drawn. Instead, the shade transforms into a card interface with round corners and bright icons for quick settings, and a second card for the actual notification content. The bright colors and round corners will be subject to individual tastes (and debate) but it’s evident that someone at Google spent a lot of time and attention to detail here.

The change looks more drastic than it is, and that’s likely by design, too. Android’s notification shade doesn’t need to be rebuilt or changed too much at once. That’s how you ruin a good thing. Instead, time should be spent to find the perfect interface to show us what we expect to see. Android has matured.

Smarter everywhere

Smart replies using Google’s machine learning algorithms come standard with Android P. Your phone parses the content of a message when it shows a preview in the notification, and as a result, you are given three smart replies you can send with a single tap. These have been supported since Android 8.0 but now Google is building them into the notification system for all app developers to use. You can, of course, choose to ignore the suggestions and type you own reply directly from the notification if you like.

And you may very well be able to use the notification shade without opening your messaging app. Android P brings changes that identify the sender and display the last few lines of the conversation at the top of your phone. The new Person class can fetch user details from your contacts and show avatars, nicknames and other information about who is talking. It even works for group messages.

When you want to reply, there is no need to open the app. Everything you need is available at the bottom of the shade including things like saving as a draft, mark as read, delete, and reply just like the reply field in the app itself. For those of us who tend to send short and sweet messages, it’s like having a second miniature version of the app in your notifications.

More to come

There are more subtle changes that will make their mark as Android P becomes final and applications are built to leverage its features. We can’t forget the notch support which could play a big part in your notification area or things like changes to make Android easier to use and more powerful. Broadcasts, where apps receive messages from the Android system itself, have also been tweaked to support the Notification Channels changes and Do Not Disturb settings.

Overall, Google has built a great base and set of tools to make the notifications from the apps you love on the phone you have a lot better. We can get behind changes that make things better.

To read more updated about Android and iOS apps, please follow: http://www.appzure.com/blogs

Source: Appzure

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Consider following things before starting Android App Development

Do you have an honest innovative plan for developing a world-class android app? What are the main factors you are going to consider while creating an Android application? These are a number of the obvious questions you need to ask yourself before creating any call on Android app development project.

According to Statista.com, there are over 1.6 million apps on the Google Play store. Moreover, Android has a market share of 80th worldwide.

Android application development

The above statistics show that Android smartphones and Android mobile app development are continuously rising. However, the standard of Android application should not be compromised due to its increasing numbers. In fact, the Android developers should ensure that the applications they’re attending to develop should be helpful, simple-to-use, and specifically desired by your audience and users.

In this post, we will discuss some important areas on which mobile app development companies need to focus on before developing the apps for Android platform.

Budget to Make an Android App

All the steps involved in Android application development involves money. Knowing about your budget and allocating them for each stage of Android app development is important. Therefore, it is recommended to appoint someone who can strictly keep the eyes on the cost to make sure that your budget remains the same until the very end of the app development phase.

What Should You Charge for Your App

Pricing your app is one of the most challenging yet important tasks which cannot be ignored. Pricing your Android application in a right way is very important. Determining the price of an article which includes any products is easy, but pricing the Android app in a right way is difficult. There are a number of factors which an Android developer needs to take into consideration which determining the correct price for their Android app.

Deep Market Research

Before entering the market and start the Android app development you should conduct a market research in a proper manner. Analyzing the market thoroughly provides you the insights about your competitors, their strategy, their strengths, and weakness too. This information can turn out to be useful because you can avoid repeating the same mistakes your competitors made. Researches often ignore customer reviews. These reviews can provide you an overview of likes and dislikes of users about a particular type of Android app. Therefore, you must make sure that you should focus on the pain areas and try to resolve the issue in your Android application. Moreover, this strategy will give you an edge to win over your competitors.

Serve Something Different

Have you ever thought why a recently opened restaurant in the town is becoming popular among people? Why people like to visit new places and new restaurants because people are always looking for something fresh and different. It’s a human nature that people get bored easily with one thing.

A similar thing is with Android app since there are millions of Android apps available, Android users want to be served with something new. Therefore, you should always create something which is interesting and keeps the users engaged with your mobile app.

Know Your Target Audience

The audience plays a huge role in the development of your Android app because defining your target audience is very important. All these questions like who will be using this application, and how it is going to help your audience, it should be answered well beforehand. If you are going to meet your user’s expectations, your Android app is likely to get more popular among your audience.

Focusing on Your Marketing Strategy

In order to get an overwhelming response at the time of launch of your Android app creating the buzz before the launch is very important. You need to make sure that you start marketing your Android app at the appropriate time. Most of the businesses or Android app developers fail in executing the marketing strategy effectively. Logically, Android developers should start the app development process 2-3 weeks before the launch to let the users know. According to Dima Midon, CEO at TrafficBox, it is important to create the buzz before the launch to get the overwhelming response at the time of the launch.

Testing Your Application Before it Hits the Market

It is important for you to test the Android application before it is ready to launch in the market. You should have a good experience in prior of how users will see your application. Your Android app should be easy to use, creative, and deliver high performance. Testing the Android app before launch will allow you to look at the bugs and errors before it reaches the audience in the market.

Once alpha testing is successful, you can hire the beta testers to start the second phase of testing. Moreover, you should learn more from the beta testers and try to make changes as per your observations. These days there are many Android app testing tools available in the market with which you can easily do the beta testing.

App Description

For the users who are going to look at your mobile app for the first time on Google Play Store, app description plays an important role. People who are not aware of what your Android application is all about will read the app description first and then make the choice to download the app.

Google Play Store usually displays 2-3 lines of the app description. Users are required to tap on Read more to read the full app description. Therefore, it is important to make first 2-3 lines catchy enough to convert your application users into potential customers.

Don’t Keep Your Users Waiting

It may prove to be fatal if the loading time of your Android app is huge, as users may think that the application is malfunctioning. Moreover, it adds the negative impression in the mind of the users. Therefore, giving them the bad user experience.

In order to avoid feeding your user’s mind with it, you should try to use animations and loading indicators to give them an assurance that your Android app is still working, but is waiting for the phone network. Moreover, a progress indicator is always better.


There is no shortcut to success for anything you do in this entire world. However, these tips can help in planning your Android app development project and want it to last for a longer time. If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free to contact Appzure.

Reference: www.appzure.com

Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

blog-bannerCross-platform mobile app development tools are programs which permit you to make mobile apps for multiple mobile platforms, similar to apps for android and iOS, using a similar code base.

The reason why cross-platform mobile app development tools are so practical is that there are such a lot of differing types of devices. If you would like to run your mobile app on as several App Stores as possible in order that several phones and tablets will use it, you would like the app to support multiple mobile platforms.

In different words, you may run out of potential users if your mobile app doesn’t work on their mobile devices. A hybrid mobile app development will prevent from having to program a similar mobile app in several languages and in several programs for making mobile apps.

  1. PhoneGap
  2. Appcelerator
  3. React Native
  4. Sencha Ext JS
  5. RhoMobile Suite


Numbering does not reflect the superiority or inferiority of a particular framework. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages and the selection of a framework should be done according to the requirements and needs of a project. A cross-platform mobile app development company in charge of any mobile app project must find a balance between what is available and what is required, and move in the right direction.

Read more: Top 5 Tools for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

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How to make Successful Android Applications?


If you’re an android developer or somebody who needs to be, you’ll in all probability notice that there are actually many thousands of apps on the Google Play Store. Some applications are flooded with downloads and smart reviews, whereas others suffer from an absence of attention and a number of downloads. the main question then becomes what can i do to avoid this terrible drought? nowadays we are progressing to cover some smart tips that you just will follow to assist you in your efforts. Let’s begin.

  • Following Android Design Guidelines
  • Following and Keeping Up with Latest Trends
  • Listening to User Input
  • Immerse Yourself in Android

Here are some good communities to check out:

● Android Developers

● Android Studio

● Android development tools

● Android application design

● Android Recipe

● Android Designers (ask to join)

  • Developing App for Multiple Devices
  • Optimizing Your Apps
  • Limiting Required Permission
  • Respecting Your Users
  • Having Fun

To Read with more detail go through https://appzuremobileappdevelopmentservicesindia.quora.com/How-to-make-Successful-Android-Applications

Top Trends of Android Mobile App Development for 2018

From Cupcakes and Gingerbread to KitKat and Oreo, the Android has taken us on the path of sweet technology over the years. That too, with each new update of the version. In the year 2017, most companies have realized that it is important to invest in Android App Development Services. Above all, if they want to meet the demands of their customers and increase their sales.

The year 2017 witnessed 254 billion downloads of applications. Which is more than 57.33 billion in the year 2012! Today, Google Apps, Lifestyle Apps and, Social Media is leading the way. Thus, SMEs wishing to improve their brand image and customer commitment must offer similar Android applications. If you want to build an Android app that stands out from the rest, you may need to hire a mobile application development company.

But before doing that, we want to familiarize you with the development of Android app development trends that will drive the market in 2018 and beyond. Let’s try to understand what they will offer in detail.

Instant Android Applications

We use Android apps every day. And some remain long in our smartphones. Such applications only save space in smartphones. To help users overcome this problem, Google announced the launch of Android Instant Apps in October 2017. And how do instant applications work? Well, users just need to tap the app they want and use it without installing it on their device.

In 2017, Android instant apps became part of a Play Store. So, if you are providing a service via an Android app that you do not need regularly, you might be seeing a drop traffic. But, they will serve a valuable purpose for users. Similarly, when you hire an Android application developer to develop your application, make sure to create apps that are compatible with the instant app feature and easily accessible.

VR and AR Android Apps

A report from Statista indicates that 2018 will have 977.9 million downloads of the Reality Artificial Reality application. And by 2022, the figure will reach 1.389 million. Now it’s all a number! Do you remember a game that surprised the app market in 2016? It was Pokemon Go! Since its release, everyone has become addicted and it took the game industry to reach a whole new level. It was a game based on virtual reality.

However, reports also indicate that virtual reality has gained less growth compared to AR applications. But by 2018, both AR & VR will make a significant contribution to Android application development trends. If you want to make a mark with your business, you need to conceptualize an AR / VR application that can help you stand out from your competition.

Internet of Things

Before the term “Internet of Things” appeared, people had no idea that real life things can be intuitive enough to know your needs. According to Gartner, by 2020, there will be 20.4 billion things connected. And we will have the chance to see and use these smart objects. Home automation companies design smart home technologies that help users interact with their smart home appliances.

Google has played an important role in innovation with artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. As Android has a higher user base, Android developers need to create apps that offer an interactive user experience. They should also know that all devices running on IoT need different applications to operate efficiently. These applications must have a secure and efficient backend to allow users to easily communicate with their devices.

Innovations in Mobile Payments

The whole world sang the anthem “Mobile Responsive”. But aside from that, the global mobile payments segment is also seeing significant growth. By the end of last year, he had established a $600 billion market. New payment technologies such as portable payment solutions, contactless payments, digital currencies have emerged.

As the e-payment market aims to have a cash-free society, you need to think about offering innovative and convenient payment solutions to your customers. Once people start using these options, companies will also be able to analyze preferred payment options and innovate accordingly. However, creating such apps based on Android can be quite difficult.

Cloud-Based Mobile Apps

Most companies process crucial data. They must back up this huge amount of data and keep it safe. And as App Security is above all, Android mobile app developers are eager to develop several cloud computing solutions for their customers. Cloud-based Android apps ensure that business owners can access data at any time. And that too, in a safe way.

Cloud-based applications will create a buzz in the coming years. So, if you do not have one, it’s a good time to develop it. Search the market and you will find several companies that offer cloud-based Android application development. Approach the right company and make the most of this opportunity.

It was a quick tour to familiarize yourself with the trends of the Android app in 2018. If you want to achieve exponential success with your business, it’s time you start adopting these technologies and get your Android apps based on them.

Wrapping Up:

If you need any assistance related to Android app development or cross-platform mobile app development, you can contact us. We are a leading Android app development company in India & USA engaged in providing a feature packed, secure and scalable mobile apps across all business verticals.

How can you start making Android Apps from zero knowledge of programming?

These days you do not require to be a programming expert in order to start creating your own Android mobile app. There are so many resources available and tools in order to help you in creating your own Android app. Moreover, it does not mean that you will hand over your entire mobile app development project to third-party mobile app developer or mobile app development company.

Android application development

You can give a great amount of input for making sure that output is exactly the same what you are looking for.

In this post, we will discuss how can you start making Android apps from zero knowledge of programming.

Doing Research

Before starting any new mobile app project, building a new app begins with the research part.

From the creation of goals to choose the platform and version for understanding the market and options for monetizing. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself before proceeding to design and development of your mobile app:

1. Who is Your Competition?

Before proceeding with anything, you should check the existing market of similar mobile app providers.

Don’t copy the same thing if someone has already done the same thing. Always remember that there are so many apps out there.

This practice is not done to know whether your idea is complete or not, but to learn what works in your favor and what does not.

How can you make it better? Where your competitors are disappointing their customers? What new can you offer to the market?

If you want to create a mobile app which is an extension of an existing service. In that case, competition does not really matter. What you should offer must be an original content for the specific type of audience who knows you and your brand.

2. Who is Your Target Audience?

Due to the lack of face-to-face conversation and sales opportunity in mobile app marketing. Knowing about your target audience is important for success.

However, doing it in a right way is not always easy as it looks.

There are plenty of ways to identify your target audience. Some of the four popular methods are:

  • Surveys
  • Data on Market Research
  • Personas of Audience
  • Focus Groups

3. What is Your Budget?

The budget for your mobile app depends on a various number of factors and they are likely to change every year throughout the life of your mobile app.

However, the big budget game changers are:

  • Which mobile platform do you use: Native App, Hybrid App, or Web App
  • Outsourced or Integrated Development
  • Level of functionality required in the app
  • Monetizing or Marketing methods used

It’s a good idea to consider each of the above settings before setting your budget.

4. What is Your Deadline?

Like other businesses, there always have to be some workable goals and set of deadlines.

If you are following strict deadlines, then you may require taking some decisions which will help you in reducing your timescale.

The mentioned below are some of the factors which cause a delay in time for mobile app development:

Mobile Vendors

There are many mobile vendors on Android platform which provide the different user experience. Like Samsung uses TouchWiz, HTC uses Sense UI, etc.

Therefore, you must always be ready to create an Android app for different mobile vendors.

Required Level of Functionality

There some functionalities which you might choose to leave on the list of “Nice to Have” and if it is important for you to launch your app on time.

Third Party Integration

Connecting your application to other services can take time. Developers need to learn about third-party APIs and implement them in your app correctly.

Publishing Apps on Play Store

It is a way out of your control. Google Play Store gets instant approval to approve your app for publishing.

Of course, it might also be rejected; This means that you have to go back, improve your app and send back.

It could be a shocker for your expected deadline.

The best way to avoid such delays is to read the specifications and guidelines of Google Play Store very carefully to make sure your app complies with all the rules and regulations.

How to Monetize Your App

Are you earning profits by selling your app, in-app purchases, advertising, app subscription, or some other sources?

The majority of apps uses one of the following four methods:

1. Advertisements

2. Paid Downloads

3. Native Advertising

4. In-app Purchases

You might choose to define the success of your app differently by increasing brand awareness, or a number of mobile app users accessing your content.

Designing Your App

1. Creating Rough Sketch

The first step in designing your mobile app is by putting your ideas on paper.

Here you creating foundations of features for your app and also general look and interface of your app.

You need not worry if you are an artist: it is the simple way to help you and your business team will understand in which direction your app is heading.

2. WireFraming

If you are creating a mobile app from scratch, with all the original features specific to your service, we recommend that you create a “wireframe” of your app.

A wire is a “sketch” from where your ideas come together in a clearer and more detailed view.

Creating a wireframe is now easy thanks to the many available prototyping tools or applications available. POP, Balsamiq, and HotGloo are just some of the popular wireframing apps.

Once you have your wireframe, you can then find app developers and approach them for review based on your designs.

A user interface designer can take your input and improve it, add it and finally design a real and detailed user interface.

3. Storyboarding

While you are creating your wireframes, be sure to plan your storyboard as well.

The idea of a storyboard is to visually show the developer how each screen will change from one screen to the other, and how your users will navigate your app.

For instance, this is particularly useful for home screens: users will navigate from the Home screen, Registration screen, Home screen, and so on.

You can use the same tools you used to create your storyboards to create a storyboard.

Specifying Your Requirements

Once your design for the app is completed, the next step is to write down your needs and requirements for the developer.

A great way to do this is to describe, in the simplest manner, the problem you are trying to solve with your mobile app.

Creating User Stories

To do this, the approach we prefer, especially for agile development is that we create a set of user stories.

User stories are a quite like creating audience characters: you take the perspective of your users and describe the actions they will are able to perform in your app.

In fact, you must use the personas you created in the search phase to help you in creating your user stories.

Try to focus on the task of each of individual they want or need, rather than how they will perform it.

Describe the problem, not the solution.

The classic marketing approach is to think about the role, purpose, and benefit for your user.

Requirement Document

After completing the user stories, you can put together everything in a more detailed requirement document.

With a quick search on Google, you can find many great guides on requirement document.

Developing Your App

When it comes to building your mobile app, you have many options.

At this point, it’s good to come back to some of the questions you asked yourself at the research phase:

What is my actual budget?

What are my deadlines?

What kind of app do I require?

Depending on your answers to these questions, your approach to development will be different.

However, you can usually divide it into two key approaches: custom app development and DIY app developers.

Custom Mobile App Development

If you are creating a mobile app with unique and outstanding features, your only option is custom development.

But be careful: this option can be lengthy and costly on the wallet.

For this kind of work, you can either associate with a design studio or hire freelancers


We can get freelance can be found on various job sites like Linkedin, Monster Jobs, etc.

If you are looking for an experienced freelancer who has experience in Android Studio and Android SDK.

You can expect them to pay between $30-60 per hour for a good and experienced developer.

App Design Studios

App design studios might seem like the best way to get your mobile app developed in the best way. However, you must be ready to pay high-end prices too.

Prices from $15000 to 60000 are normal for app design studios.

If you want to create a native mobile app, multiply the cost of each platform you want to develop an app for.

DIY App Developers

If you are a small business with common requirements for your mobile app, you can use an existing mobile app platform or a mobile app creation service.

It is a quicker and more cost-effective solution.

DIY app-builder services have been there for a while, and are an economical alternative to hiring an agency.

This type of solution may be suitable for a small business that only needs features such as coupons, product catalogs, restaurant reservations, or the similar to it.

Testing Your App

It is a good idea to test your app many times during app development phase, not just once the app is complete.

In this manner, you can communicate about the changes to your mobile app developer while he is working on the app; You can save time and money and a lot of hassle in the long run.

On Android, you can install your app file on any computer system or mobile device and test it in a live environment.

Preparing for App Launch

Now you have developed your amazing new app.

You have rigorously tested it again and again for bugs.

Now it is ready to be launched for the general public.

Here are some of the things to be considered before launching your app smoothly as possible:

1. Checking Regulations for App Store

Google Play Store has its own set of rules and guidelines for app submission.

In order to avoid app rejections and delays, you should make sure that you should prepare yourself by reading guidelines about Google Play Store.

2. Writing Good App Store Description

Your potential customer may like the sound of your app. Whenever they open the app page.

The question is whether they will click on Download button?

The app description is a chance to convince the users that this is the app they are looking for.

Moreover, you should write a description which is both informative and compelling and make sure to include the keyword five times for maximum visibility.

3. Making Most Out of Screenshots

Like your app description, screenshots help in selling your app.

So make them count! Use high-quality screenshots that really show what your app can perform.

Screenshots should not be only static pictures.

Many applications now show description and copying into their images to catch the attention of their target audience.


You will find out that there are so many options for reducing time and costs, especially if you are ready to count on support from an Android app development agency.

The important things to remember are: set your time and budget settings, knowing your audience, and do extensive research on your market before finding your ideal developer.

If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free contact us. We are a leading mobile application development company in India. Till today, we have completed 500+ projects of mobile app development in India, USA and rest of world. We are acknowledged in the market for our affordable pricing policy, guaranteed SLAs and team of experienced developers.

Why Does Your Business Need its Own Mobile App?

These days customers are always on the move and like to use mobile apps for everything they need and that is why mobile apps are therefore vital in today’s time and market. Mobile apps development allow customers to stay all the information they need at their fingertips. whatever your business is, mobile apps assist you in building client loyalty and brand loyalty as a result of customers will search anytime and anyplace.

Mobile apps benefits

Some benefits of mobile app development for business. These are just a few to start:

  • Builds Brand loyalty
  • Increases the visibility of your brand/business
  • Increases exposure and allows you connecting with consumers on the go.
  • Easy access to your stock/inventory
  • Receiving notifications about any special events, launches, etc.
  • Having direct access to your contact information
  • Making a quick and transparent appointment

Mobile phones are the new thanks to managing your business well. Mobile phones are the future and they all work on the mobile app. All mobile apps have taken the world by storm. the times have very modified and it’s vital for any business to adapt quickly to the most recent technological developments.

With the growing variety of mobile users, businesses have begun to offer their own applications. Therefore, there’s no reason why you should not have your own app. In this post, we will see how mobile apps are important and useful for growing your business in this competitive world. Today’s businesses have adapted to the growing technology.

Everyone is Following This

A survey conducted in 2017 on mobile apps shows that 2/3 small businesses plan to develop a mobile app by the end of the year 2017 and that 42% small businesses have already built a mobile app. As the previous survey mentioned, this survey also found that the top two reasons why small businesses built their mobile apps were to increase sales and improve customer services.

Builds Brand Recognition

A mobile app is like an empty billboard. You can have all the great and latest trending features in them, but what you really want is to create an app that has useful features that your customers will love, while at the same time is well marked and beautifully crafted. Plus, if your business logo or slogan is visible on the mobile screens of your customers, it is almost impossible not to remember when they need your products or services. It offers virtually a huge benefit to your competitors who have not yet adopted this business strategy.

Not only it is limited to build your business, it also offers the recognition required for your business. The more often you involve your customers in your app, the quicker they will be inclined to buy your product or services.

Makes Customer Service Experience Better

Customer satisfaction is the important goal of any successful business. To give them the best is what the businessman should think about. By installing an app, the customer can access your products or services even when they are on the go, from online orders or purchases to payments, all in just a few clicks.

A user-friendly mobile app will automatically increase your business’s sales and help you with promotions. In addition, it helps in interacting with your customers and being available to them at all times will also increase their satisfaction and ultimately keep them happy. Connect with your customers and serve them quickly and easily.

Encourages More Customer Engagement

Making the ordering or booking process as easy as possible for customers by using a secure payment method on your business mobile app. All customers need a way to reach the business or brand which sells a product or service that are of interest to them. It doesn’t matter if you sell cakes or salon services. If you are not reachable to your customers then, you risk losing them. A mobile app is a therefore convenient way to activate this scope. Do not forget to install a platform support service where customers can post their orders, comments, queries, and complaints. If you can answer all their communications personally, your customer engagement is a good one.

Provides Superior User Experience

Your app will be built in such a way that users can easily do common tasks without the mess of any website. The app will guide them seamlessly where to scroll and what to do, and they can have a much more personalized app experience. Think about saved shopping lists, personalized rewards, easier navigation. The benefits of a superior user experience include more positive reviews, more followers on social networks, more brand followers, and most importantly more repeat customers.

Standing Out in This Competitive Industry

The mobile app is an important and effective tool that expands your business reach to customers by using a single platform. This is beneficial for both the business and the customer. By the time your competitors realize that how important it is and you will have almost all of the market share. No matter what you are selling, you can be a leader in your competition.

At the touch of a button, your customers can see your offered products and services. That mobile apps are fast, easy and quite simple to use is a fact you need to make sure of it. This facility can boost customer engagement and loyalty to a next level.

Wrapping Up

In the early days of mobile app development only large companies with huge budgets and huge customer base could only afford and felt the need and requirement for mobile apps. Nowadays customers expect from every business that they deal with to make it a little easier for them to have an app. However, various services like Deluxe can help small businesses meet the expectations of their customers.

Considering all the above points, it is surprising for anyone to doubt the effectiveness of a mobile app for business and now with a usage of mobile getting increased and also M-Commerce is also on the rising year after year. Therefore, it might be considered as a good time to develop a mobile app for your business.

If you have any query related to mobile app development, feel free contact us. We are a leading mobile application development company in India and USA. Till today, we have completed 500+ projects of mobile app development in India, USA and rest of world. We are acknowledged in the market for our affordable pricing policy, guaranteed SLAs and team of experienced developers.

Top 7 Ways To Get Success On Google Play Store

For mobile app developers, the Google play store is the most preferred app store these days. There are already present a large number of apps on it. In fact, this app marketplace is now getting saturated with applications of every conceivable type and category and thus offering many benefits to the mobile app developers. Also, this fact is making a difficult situation for new Android developers who want to make their mark in the play store.

Mobile app marketing

In this blog, we have discussed top 7 tips for Android mobile app developers so that they can achieve success in the Google Play Store.

Check out the list below:

1) OS Version and Screen size

You primarily need to consider different Android OS versions and screen sizes when it comes to testing the app on varied Android devices. In order to ensure that your mobile app works well, you should test your developed mobile application with devices that come with both lower as well as higher resolutions. If we take Android OS into consideration, then you could easily make your primary mobile app compatible with the lower versions. By adding more features, the app would be automatically compatible with higher versions. In fact, working along with native features, it would make the overall process much easier for you.

By defining which devices you would like to discover your application in the market. This would allow you to limit the scope of your application to certain Android devices, as specified by you. Visit Developer Console and proceed to work with these configurations.

2) Mobile App Presentation

If you are about to launch your mobile application on Google play store, they must look for some parameters like its looks, icon design etc. before putting it in the store. Also, gather a few attractive videos and screenshots of your mobile app so that it will become good enough to attract maximum users towards its general appearance. Always remember that the first impression is the last impression. So get this step rightly done before launching the app.

3) Google Checkout Account

At first, you need to set up a Google Checkout Merchant Account if you want to make money through in-app advertising or by selling a paid Android app. Since Google has limited number of countries on this list, thus you have to ensure that you can sell paid apps on Google. Once you establish your application as a free application, then Play Store will not allow you to update it so that it becomes a paid application. Therefore, you must plan a long-term monetization strategy for your application.

4) Track Performance of the App

Even after launching the app on Google play store, you must keep a constant track of your mobile apps’ performance. It is done to know exactly how well your app is doing in the marketplace. After getting feedback from your target audience, find the ways by using which you can improve your app’s presentation and its marketing strategy as well. By using paid social media monitoring tool, you can track well the app’s performance.

There are two main analytical tools readily available to you, namely app market analytics and in-app analytics. While the former monitors the impression that users have of their application, the latter gives a clear idea of the downloads, criticism, and rating of their application, income, etc.

5) Provide Support to Users

Be sure to offer timely help and support to your users. Configure a system through which you can respond and interact with users immediately, solving their problems and doubts as soon as possible. You can even insert a section of frequently asked questions to answer the most common queries and set up a support email account and a chat helpline for them. If possible, you can also add several payment options for your users.

6) Market the App

After launching the app on the Google play store, it is very important to market the app to get success for it. There are many ways to market the app. Some of the major ones are listed below:
– Issue a press release
– Contact app review sites
– Get reviewed by reputed sites
– Invite relevant individuals
– Visit forums, online groups, and app bloggers
– Use social media for promotion

Moreover, you can also promote your mobile application on several Android app discovery platforms online. This will give ratings to your app and get more reviews.

7) Test Final App

After completing the whole mobile app development, the final testing should be done thoroughly before launching it on the Google play store. Android is an open-source platform which has both advantages as well as disadvantages. Due to the extreme fragmentation of devices here, it makes difficult to ensure consistent user experience.


So far we have seen the top 7 ways by using which Android developers could reach to success in the Google play store. The above comprehensive list would surely help you get an initial foothold in the Google Play store and ensure high chances for the success of your app accordingly. In fact, by following the above-listed steps before and after launching the app, it will make app submission and promotion process much smoother in the Google play store.

For any further queries regarding mobile apps or mobile app development, you can consult with us.